
How Close Are We Really Artificial Intelligence?

Decent Essays

How Close Are We Really to Artificial Intelligence? In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, written by Douglas Adams, a man named Arthur Dent wakes up and finds himself at the beginning of beyond a bad day. When he learns that a friend of his is actually an alien with advanced knowledge of Earth 's impending destruction, he is transported off the Earth seconds before it is exploded to make way for a new hyperspace motorway. And as if that 's not enough, throw in being wanted by the police, Earth II, an insane electronic encyclopedia, no tea whatsoever, a chronically depressed robot and the search for the meaning of life, and you 've got the greatest adventure off Earth. Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a common subject found in many works of science fiction. In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, artificial intelligence comes in the form of a robot named Marvin. Marvin is a prototype of robots with human feelings and emotions. In the novel, he is sometimes referred to as the “Paranoid Android” because unfortunately, the personality he has been given is terminally depressed. Marvin is capable of solving all sorts of complicated problems when he is asked, but he continually complains the entire time when asked to do anything, even the simplest tasks. In today’s world, we are not yet to the point where we can create robots which can mimic human emotions. We are, however, at a point in time where work on artificial intelligence has already begun. Research

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