
How Database Is Used For All Analysis

Decent Essays

database was literally reconstructed from the ground up resolving the recent audit report issues as follows:

Lack of documented land value determinations

Dan Kirwin assisted with reprogramming the assessing database, enabling the built-in analysis functions that did not previously work. Fixing these functions within the assessing database allows all analysis to be self-contained in one computer program instead of multiple programs. Future auditors will no longer need to hunt around the entire computer network to find Assessor analysis. The assessing database now functions appropriately and is the only computer program used for all analysis.

True cash value as indicated on the assessment roll does not agree with the true cash value on …show more content…

Johns assessing roll, as evidenced by the override report included on page 75 of the addenda, is well within acceptable AMAR tolerances.

Bringing the number of overridden assessed values and flat land values within acceptable AMAR tolerances involved reducing the number of economic condition factor neighborhoods from over one hundred to twelve. Also, tables used to calculate the value of land throughout the city were scaled back in a similar fashion. Furthermore, improperly entered items in the assessing database were corrected. These corrections allowed properties previously on override to be properly modeled for valuation purposes according to STC guidelines and the GPTA.

Sampling of known “sale” properties are not being assessed uniformly at 50% of true cash value

The illegal and unconstitutional practice of chasing sale prices has ceased since the departure of our former Assessor. No longer are sale prices simply cut in half and assigned as the assessed value for the property. Instead, sale properties are now properly analyzed as a comparable used by our assessing database computer program to assist in determining everyone’s assessed valuation.

Property sales are now correctly entered into the appropriate portion of the assessing database following the BSA Software instructions included on pages 76 thru 78 of the addenda. This allows the analysis functions

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