
How Democratic Was Andrew Jackson Dbq

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How Democratic Was Andrew Jackson?
What type of system government would most people want for their country? Eventually they would want a Democracy. Andrew Jackson was born in 1767, on the border between North and South Carolina. Jackson grew up poor, a year after year his self-discipline improved. Jackson was known as Old Hickory because he was tough and unbreakable, like a hickory tree. Jackson’s first military success was when he led a campaign of Tennessee volunteers against the Creek Indians in Alabama in 1813 and 1814. In 1828 Jackson got elected for the president of the United States and he won over John Quincy Adams, to be the seventh president for the United States. After Jackson won the presidency, many people did not agree with Andrew …show more content…

Jackson wrote “I suggest for your consideration….setting apart an ample district west of the Mississippi….to be guaranteed to the Indian tribes as long as they shall occupy it….” (Doc D). Although Jackson forced the Native Americans to leave, he gave them a land in the west of Mississippi as long as they live in it. Now that Jackson gave the Native Americans a land, there will be no more conflicts between them and the white people. Some of the Native Americans did not want to leave their land such as the Cherokee because they had the right to stay since it is the land of their fathers and because they were the ones who came to the lands first. In the Memorial of the Cherokee Nation, the Cherokees said “The country west of the Arkansas territory is unknown to us…. The far greater part of that region is….badly supplied with food and water…. All our neighbors… would speak a language totally different from ours, and practice different customs….” (Doc E). Cherokees did not want to leave for many reasons such that the west of the Arkansas region is unknown to them, the greater part of the region is badly supplied with food and water, and all of their neighbors speak different language …show more content…

The Bank for Jackson motivated poor people against wealthy Americans who would take advantage of the poor people for their selfish purposes.Jackson’s words kind of encouraged a class war between the rich and the poor people. Jackson vetoed the Bank after it was passed by both Senate and the House of Representatives, and this show how Jackson had too much power, and that he is taking freedom away and not treating people equally as Webster replied to Jackson’s Bank veto (Doc

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