
How Did Ancient Greece And Persia's Impact On The Modern World

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The Impact of Two Countries
Many civilizations have left prominent impacts on the world, but the most notable, is between Greece and Persia (modern day Iran). What makes these two countries so important is that the world would not be the world we know today if it were not for how these two countries lead to the development of the other. Through the interactions that these countries had, lands were conquered, cultures influenced and governments were formed, and nearly everything in our culture is a result of their influance.
Alexander III, known historically as Alexander the Great, conquered Persia in 334 BCE, something his father was unable to do, but he only had the drive to do so, because his father was unsuccessful. However, his father did play a vital role in unifying Greece before his death; doing away with the city states and allowing the growth of the individual. Somewhere in this process, Democracy was implemented and was obtained from one of the prior city states. Additionally, Persia had experience that Greece did not, an understanding of government and how to rule a unified country. Because Greece just came from the city states, it was in their best interest to copy the well implemented governing of Persia (Clark, Darci).
With Democracy and a united country, Alexander was able to conquer a three thousand mile area. …show more content…

When Alexander’s armies were in Persia, they held a mass wedding for one of his Generals, General Seleucus. After the death of Alexander, the conquered land was divided among his generals; leaving Persia with Seleucus (Mark, Joshua. "The Hellenistic World”). Jakob, researcher for encyclopedia Britannica, noted that Seleucus was the only noble man to not leave his wife after the death of Alexander, continuing the rapport with Greece and Persia (Seibert,

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