
How Did Andrew Jackson Contribute To The Spoil System

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Before, Andrew Jackson became the seventh president he was a general. He won many wars other wars not so much. Andrew Jackson became the seventh president of the United States on 1829. He served between the years of 1829 to 1837. He became president when he won against John Quincy Adams in the Electoral College votes and in the popular votes. Andrew Jackson was an inadequate president.

First and foremost, Andrew Jackson used the Spoil System. The Spoil System is the practice of giving government jobs to political backers. With that being said, Andrew Jackson decided to fire all the original employees and hire his friends, not by skill but by likes(lecture notes, 3/1/17). He replaced 2,000 employees (lecture notes, 3/1/17). Andrew Jackson …show more content…

In 1830, Congress passed the Indian Removal Act under the pressure of Jackson (Deverall & White, pg. 294). Once this act was passed, Jackson started to remove Native Americans right away. He forced thousands of Natives to move west of the Mississippi river (Deverall & White, pg. 294). Once Jackson finished moving the first couple groups of Indians he went on to move the Cherokee. Andrew Jackson caused the Trail of Tears when he moved the Cherokee Indians (Deverall and White, pg.296). It took about 800 miles for the Cherokee Indians to reach the west side of the Mississippi river (Deverall and White, pg.296). Because of this, 4,500 Cherokee Indians died of harsh weather, disease, and hunger (Deverall and White, pg.296). Since many Native Americans believed that they would never find a land like the one they lived on, many of them tried to hide from Andrew Jackson’s troops (Massachusetts Spy, 1830). If some Indians were caught hiding they were either killed or melted away because Andrew Jackson wanted to make room for the Whites (Deverall and White, pg.296). Once many of the Indian groups were moved, the Indians weren’t that happy with where they were living. Every year, became more difficult for the Indians (Andrew Jackson,1835). The Indian Removal Act was one of the inadequate choices that showed that Andrew Jackson was an inadequate

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