
How Did Andrew Jackson Impact Society

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Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United States in the 1820s and 1830s. Like George Washington, Jackson has had little education. Which makes him more likable by the common people than well educated elite presidents. During Jackson's time in office, he had such a major effect that historians call this time The Age of Jackson. His contributions that had such an impact on history was the Spoils System, the Force Bill, the Indian Removal Act, and his views on the National Bank. The start of the so called Age of Jackson was the Election of 1824. This was the first election that the common white man could vote. There were four candidates, John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, William H. Crawford, and Andrew Jackson. With Clay and Crawford …show more content…

The spoils system was when the president would give office positions to their supporters. This was disastrous because most of the people who were given the jobs were not even remotely qualified for the position; which led to various scandals. It was somewhat beneficial, though because most of the original people were very old so it refreshed the office. Jackson is the only president from the West, Tennessee. Tennessee was a slave state, in fact Jackson owned slaves. The southern states were trying to fight for states rights by nullifying the tariff. This tariff though, was not about slavery. The tariff was put in place to protect the northern industry from British prices. The south was to fight the tariff to keep their slaves. When South Carolina had enough people to nullify the tariff, Jackson was ok with it, but he was not ok with defiance. So, there was a Compromise Tariff of 1833 which gradually reduced the tariff over a period of eight years. With this compromise came the Force Bill that allowed Jackson to have the authority to use troops to enforce federal laws. This Bill was similar to the Declaratory Act in 1766. South Carolina went on and nullified the Force

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