
How Did Andrew Jackson Promote Democracy

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Andrew Jackson promoted democracy politically well by listening to his trusted friends and political supporters. This allowed for Jackson to get advice from people who were like him, not rich or Republican. He was criticized for replacing Republican officeholders with loyal Democrats. He did this because he believed that rotating people in office is more democratic than a lifetime in the office (Section 14.4 “Jackson’s Approach to Governing”). Jackson said that this gave more people a chance for participating in their government. The nullification crisis also allowed Jackson a way to promote democracy even further. When the states were met with a new tariff law, the North was very happy but the South started to question Jackson. Because Jackson understood the South’s concerns, he decided to lower the tariff (Section 14.5 “The Nullification Crisis”). Some states, mostly South Carolina, were still not pleased that there was any tariff at all; these states were filled with a lot of people who believed in state’s rights. When South Carolina wanted to retaliate, Jackson promised he would be forceful during the nullification crisis if anyone fought over it. He threatened to hang the first person on the first tree he saw …show more content…

The removal of the Bank of the United States promoted democracy because Jackson wanted Southern farmers to have the same financial opportunities as the rich Northerners. Jackson believed that the U.S. Bank benefited the rich Easterners and had a monopoly on federal deposits (Section 14.6 “Jackson Battle the Bank of the United States”). He also believed that the U.S. Bank did not benefit the farmers, workers, and smaller state banks at all (Section 14.6). In 1833, Jackson ordered for the federal deposits to be redirected to the state banks (Video Notes: Andrew Jackson). He believed that the shutting down of the bank was a win for economic democracy (Section

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