
How Did Beethoven 1st Break

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Finally, the coda from measures 140 is rhythmically very similar to the codetta (measures 41-48) but, Beethoven didn’t want to end that way so then he adds another 4 measures of extension from measures 149-152 to officially declare that piece finally ending in perfect authentic cadence. I have come to realize that even though this movement is a sonata form consisting of three main sections, it still feels as though it has 2 main sections (binary structure). The cadential structure of the 1st half consist of mainly using the half cadence (I -V) from measures 1-100 which is the Exposition whereas the 2nd half of the movement from measures 101-152 Development and Recapitulation uses full cadence (I-IV-V-I) and mostly ends in a perfect authentic cadence. …show more content…

2 No.1 in f minor is considered as one of Beethoven’s earliest work dedicated to Haydn. The use of extreme dynamics such as fortissimo from measures 144-147 is one of Beethoven’s method to create a sense of drive throughout the movement. In my opinion the development is the most dramatic section leading to the recapitulation (m.101) in forte rather than in piano dynamic marking which is from measure 1-2 at beginning of the piece. The short motive in the transition section (m. 13-14, m.50-51, m.95-100, m.111-114) is almost like a motive from Haydn’s string quartet. I think that Beethoven was thinking of Haydn while composing and decided to dedicate the small ideas in string quartet style. The pianist has imagined themselves passing the idea from one string instrument to

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