
How Did Differences In The Environment And Geographical Location Affect The Development Of These Early Civilizations

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How did differences in the environment and geographical location affect the development of these early civilizations?
Differences in environmental and geographical location affect the development of these early civilizations because it provided a reliable source of water for agriculture and human needs; water and cooking. Water also made the soil for planting and farming richer and, made it possible to grow surplus crops.With civilizations that were created near rivers another advantage for future societies is irrigation and transportation. This allowed for some members of the villages to do other activities that could further develop their culture. Activities like fishing, construction, education, trade, and more.
What factors might explain the rise and decline of civilizations in general?
Some factors that could explain the rise and fall of civilization i the availability of food and clean water. The obvious reason, people need food and clean water to survive. Another is a lack of communication in a community. If people do not communicate and talk about the needs of the people; a civilization will fail. Lastly a third factor is the over indulgence in luxury items. If a civilization concentrates of the extras in life, for example, the arts, (painting sculpturing, writing, the theatre) and not the essentials obviously it will decline, just like all the golden eras of empires; there's always a fall after a high peak.

Chapter 2
Iron Age- Historians’ term for the period during which iron was the primary metal for tools and weapons. The advent of iron technology began at different times in different parts of the world. It was a single metal rather than an alloy, and there were any sources of iron ore.
Hittites- People from central Anatolia and Syria in the late Bronze Age. With wealth from the trade in metals and military power based in chariot forces, the Hittites vied with New Kingdom Egypt for control of Syria-Palestine before falling to identified attackers ca. 1200 B.C.E.
Minoan- proserious civilization on the Aegean Sea of Crete in the second millennium B.C.E. The Minoans engaged in far flung commerce around the Mediterranean and exerted powerful cultural influences on the early Greeks. By 2000 B.C.E.

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