
How Did Geography Influence Greco-Roman Culture

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Chapter 4
Chapter Review

Geography influenced the Greeks and Roman, as it did many other civilizations. The location of Greece was on a peninsula. This gave it plenty access to ports which enabled Greece to trade with lots of other peoples. Although in times of war they could be pushed further into the peninsula with nothing but sea all around them. This forced them to create ships and other seafaring vessels. Once again, as in India, mountains separated much of the region. This lead to the rise of City states, such as the great Sparta or Athens. As the city states developed so did a new form of government called democracy. A crude version of today's but nonetheless, a democracy. On the other hand, Rome was surrounded by a volcano …show more content…

Piety was the idea of loyalty/fidelity/attentiveness to one's household gods, family, and Rome. This motivated Greco-Roman culture to be “good”, for lack of a better word, to those around them, this increased communication among the civilizations and gave each citizen something to aspire to. The believe in barbarism.was also important because it put Greco-Romans above a so called lesser society. This made citizens feel obligated to be a higher standard of human and to be the best person they could be, as civilized as they could be. To sum, these principles allowed for growth as a civilization and growth in the individual …show more content…

In Athens all male citizens could be governments, but citizens were specially chosen and had a very small number to them. Women had more rights than in previous civilizations but still had no place in governments and did not normally mix with men . The upper class life of a women was spinning, weaving and watching over the slaves. Lower class men and women were expected to work for their living and slaves had zero rights. In Rome the patrician class ran the government affairs, the Plebeian class was all the free lower class peoples, the Equestrians were the bankers, and the lowest of people were the slaves. Slaves were the outright property of their owners. Patriarchal family were still a mainstay in the mediterranean with the husband as the authority over all male and female family members. Rome upper class women were often educated because education was seen as a desired trait.Greece and Rome were quite different in their views of how a women should act in society but their view of who was in charge was mostly the same as well as who was the family

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