
How Did George Kill Lennie's Death

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Should you kill someone or let them suffer? John Steinbeck the author of the book Of Mice and Men writes a story that takes place in the time of the Great Depression. He writes about two people that have been friends since they were little kids and one relies on the other a little too much. George helped Lennie from their old job in Weed because Lennie was accused of by the townspeople. Then George and Lennie got to their new job at the ranch and George made sure that Lennie knew not to talk to the boss. Lennie killed Curley’s wife and went to the bush where George told him to go if he got in trouble. George went and found Lennie and then shot him. Without a doubt, George did the right thing by shooting Lennie. On the other hand, people make arguments about George having more options than just shooting Lennie. George could have run away with Lennie like they did before in Weed. When they were in Weed Lennie got in trouble because a girl thought Lennie was trying to assault her but he got scared and held on to her dress. After, people started …show more content…

Lennie could never keep track of his own things so George has to hold on to Lennie’s stuff. Because, Lennie would just lose his stuff. George has to hold on to Lennie’s work card, so he doesn’t lose it on the way to the ranch. Throughout the whole story Lennie had to rely on George which is foreshadowed by a comment that Crook said to Lennie, “‘ I’ll tell ya a guy gets too lonely an he gets sick’” (73). If George would have let L go then L would probably have got lonely fast without anyone. Then, Lennie would have probably tried to come back for George and would have got shot by Curley. George saved Lennie from the suffering that Lennie would have went through if he came back to the ranch with George. Lennie would most likely have been tortured by Curley or George could have turned him into the police and Lennie would have suffered in jail

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