
How Did Greek Culture And Culture Influence Athenian Life

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Within Greece, Sparta and Athens have been recognized as two of the most influential polises during Ancient Greece. These two communities received concepts from many other ancient civilizations and made them their own. Athens, the capital of Greece, has contributed to future cultures and traditions. Located near the Aegean sea, Athens is known for their traditions, their society, and philosophers. Within Athens, very important concepts that influence Athenian life includes their culture and beliefs, men and women's roles in the community, and their government laws. Culture and their beliefs played a massive role in the lives of the ancient Athenians. In regards to their beliefs, Athenians didn’t believe in a single powerful God. Instead they relied on multiple Gods and Goddesses. Athens patron goddess is Athena, goddess of wisdom and knowledge. There belief in multiple deities came from their Indo-European ancestors. They attributed supernatural powers to elements such as the sun, wind, and rain. Later, Greeks personified the powers and created gods. As epic poems such as the Iliad and the Odyssey, people were able to identify problems and focal points of Ancient Greek living. Ancient Athenians beliefs grew, as they offered more sacrifices in order to have a prosperous life. …show more content…

Men and women had very different roles within their communities. Women were not able to participate in legal and political life. The only opportunity in which women had prominent roles outside of their household were in female oriented cults. Because Athens was a patriarchal society, the main role of the female was shown in motherhood, or as a spouse. Men, on the other hand were involved in the much more vigorous activity and prominent leadership roles in Athens. Only free adult males from Athens played a role in public affairs, which excluded slaves, women, and foreigners from having a direct voice in the

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