
How Did Helen Keller Contribute To The World

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"The most beautiful thing in life cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart." Helen Keller was an inspiration to a lot of people, specially those that share the same disabilities as her. She lost her hearing and sight at 19 months old when she contracted a sickness, but was taught and assisted by Anne Sullivan on how to communicate to the world. She attended several schools for the deaf and blind like Perkins Institute for the Blind and becoming the first deafblind person to graduate with a bachelor's at Radcliffe College. She traveled around the world to help disabled people and founded the Helen Keller International organization. She's a member of the Industrial Workers of the World and the Socialist Party. Not only that, she also promoted women's rights, was pro labor’s rights, was pro birth control, greatly opposed racism and was anti war or violence. For inspiring a lot of disabled people, …show more content…

Through hardwork and determination, she had learn how to speak even when she never heard words and she wrote high quality English. She wrote her personal story in her book called ,“The Story of My Life,” which was inspirational to deaf and blind people around the world. She raised awareness for the blind, and helped the less fortunate people by participating in campaigns. Keller also founded the Helen Keller International to help the blindness and malnutritions of people with George Kessler. She argued that people take their sight and hearing for granted, she believed that people should appreciate their surrounding more. That was why she wanted to change people's perspective in disabilities through her knowledge by sharing personal experience which earned her rewards from all around the world. She's adored for her positive contribution to the society and she should become the next American Idol for her

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