
How Did Montag Change In Fahrenheit 451

Decent Essays

In the book Fahrenheit 451 the main character, Montag changes a lot throughout the story. In the beginning, Montag just went about his business and did what the government told him to do. As the story continues his feelings start to change when he meets Clarisse. In the beginning of the novel, Guy Montag did everything as he was told to. He never had much thought into it. Montag to me, did not have much of a heart in the beginning. He didn't do much, he just burned the books when he was told, he didn’t think about what he was doing. Montag didn’t have any strong relationships with anyone. Later in the story, Montag meets Clarisse on the way home from work. After meeting Clarisse, Montag starts to think about his job and what he has to

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