
How Did Plato Contribute To Western Consciousness

Better Essays

Dylan Scott
Professor Sharon Worley
Huma 1301-2821
3 August 2015

Plato: Leader to the western consciousness
The ancient Greeks had profound effects on human development, including advancements in no less than art; math; government; health; architecture; and philosophy. What exactly was philosophy though? Merriam-Webster defines philosophy as “the study of ideas about knowledge, truth, or nature and true meaning of life”. (Merriam-Webster) Yet literally, the word philosophy means the “love of wisdom”. Few people think of philosophy without conjuring an image of an ancient Greek philosopher. Perhaps the most influential philosopher of them all was Plato. Through many years of work, Plato left us with dialogues describing Socrates as he knew him. These dialogues also gave the foundations for much of western thought, including political theory, as demonstrated in The Republic. …show more content…

Plenty more was occurring in this than just simple philosophy and the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. During his youth, the Peloponnesian war raged on primarily between Athens and Sparta, bringing death and plague to the people of Athens. Following the Spartan victory over Athens in 404 BCE, a pro-Spartan oligarchy was erected. This new form of government consisted of thirty people, commonly referred to as the thirty tyrants for their oppressive methodology, they were mostly comprised of “men [who] a came from the class of aristocrats that had traditionally despised democracy and admired oligarchy”. (Martin) This ruling class lasted for only about a year and were eventually overthrown to have democracy restored to Athens. These democratic rulers executed those who disagreed with them and the democratic ideals, and one of those people executed happened to be Socrates in 399 BCE, of whom Plato was a

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