
Why Ancient Greece Is Important

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Why Ancient Greece Is Important

A quote once said “ You only get one life. It’s actually your duty to live as fully as possible.” ~ Unknown. Ancient Greece is important to learn about because ancient Greece changed their lifestyle to what we use today so we have gotten almost all of our things from ancient Greece. Ancient Greece created the Olympic games. Greek´s started doing the Olympic games because they knew that the Minoans had only done sports like that but Greekś created the Olympics. The first games started in mid-July 776 B.C. In the games they had to compete naked! The Olympicś were held in Olympia in honor of the Greek god Zeus. Every fourth year after that athletes and spectators gathered from across the Greekś place to preform. …show more content…

Greek tragedies were first performed at religious festivals. Plays with music, dancing, and masks were the plays that honored the god Dionysus. People were captivated in the twists presented on familiar tales from Greek mythology. No-win situations for the heroic but doomed characters. The cast might have been limited but the musical chorus made it better. When comedy came along, there was fun in seeing the play and laughing really hard. We owe a great debt to the ancient Greeks.

Greek’s created Philosophy. Figures such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle in the fifth and fourth century endlessly questioned and debated how we developed. The Greek’s had a branch of philosophy to suit all tastes. Anaximander provides the first surviving textual reference of western philosophy. We have still not made very much progress since then. The Greek’s desire to answer all questions no matter their difficulty. We may not have found many more solutions since the Greek thinkers. Their unbounded spirit of enquiry is perhaps their greatest and long lasting contribution to western

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