
How Did Rock And Roll Develop

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A Deeper Analysis of Rock and Roll Music In the mid-1950s, people began to see a new form of music called rock and roll (rock n’ Roll). This later became known as rock which is characterized by a hard beat; mostly featuring an electric guitar with amplified sound. Early rock music was built on rhythm and blues and also country and western music. Rock’s popularity sky-rocketed during the British Invasion. The Beatles, an iconic English rock band formed in Liverpool, England ,helped rock n’ roll become internationalized during the 1960s. Here is a deeper view of the changes rock and roll had on the world and its amazing features that differed from the genres before it (Kamien 409). Rock and Roll arose from rhythm and blues and also country music of the 1940s and 1950s. Rock was a signature for a time of change. Due to technological advances rock music changed the record industry tremendously. Independent labels began to form to fit the need for this evolutionary genre. This became a time where lyrics began to be about feelings and things people had not talked about yet. Due to the process and backlash that this genre had to go through there is not one single song that can be deemed as the start of it all. With that begin said, rock did hit a new level of …show more content…

This includes the piano all the way to the backup singers. The lead guitar usually plays single notes within the melody. The rhythm guitar usually play chords in a rhythmic pattern. The bass guitar typically provides a strong beat with the drummer. This usually is going to always be related to the rhythm. The piano will play the melody, chords and sometimes special effects. The soloist sings the melody while the back-up singers join in on the chorus. The singers usually scream, cry, growl and use a combination of sounds to reach a different voice range. Later, technological advances allowed rock to be heard over a large ensemble which was electronically

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