
How Did Technology Influence England's Role In The French Revolution

Satisfactory Essays

OCONNOR ESSAY Cristhian Rivera


Technological advances during 1450-1750 influenced England's role in the global sphere. England being recognized as a powerful country, had a leading reputation, some do to their inventions and discoveries; and others do to their conflicts with other nations(wars).

To begin with, in the 1450s England was in a delicate condition due to its failure in taking the French crown during the 100 years war. In 100 years war England attempted to take the French crown. France being the biggest country nearby, and also smaller than England(at the time) England thought they could take them over and expand their territory, but as the war went on, France began to regroup and became bigger than England. Due to France now being much bigger and unified, they were able to beat the English and stop them from taking the French crown. This put the English in a delicate condition. Now that they had tried to take over France and failed; the french might try to take over ALL of England(the French took a part of England). …show more content…

Made by Thomas Savery, the first steam engine was a not-so efficient one. The first steam-engine powered machine was a water-pump that would help take out water from coal mines, but would consume immense amounts of coal. Originally made by 3 british inventors, the steam engine would take about years to develop(about 100 years to finally get into its final; more efficient, more convenient form). Later enhanced by Thomas Newcomen, also English, the steam engine would become more efficient. Now reducing the amount of resources needed to operate and increasing its work output, the English were on their way to becoming the first industrialized

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