
How Did The American Revolution Affect Society

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Intro: The American Revolution was one of the most significant events in American history that helped change society into what it is today. The events leading up to the war, allowed the colonies to become unified and defeat the British. Conquering England allowed for politically, the recognition of the failures of the articles of confederation and the successful ratification of the constitution along with the bill of rights. Economically, agriculture was the basis of american society economy. Socially, the colonists were struggling with loyalists (American colonists who support the British) not believing that they could win the war. Women were impacting the war behind the scenes. Women were apart of groups called the daughter of liberty and …show more content…

Slavery was banned from the north which had a big effect to the slaves after the Revolutionary war. The American society was fundamentally changed after the American Revolution due to the approval of the constitution, recognizing the weakness of the their first constitution; the articles of confederation women having more of an impact in society, and agriculture being the key to success.

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The colonists fighted for the victory of the American Revolution, so they could declare their independence and change the society of americans positively. The Revolution helped the founder of America discover fundamentally how society would be shaped . The article of confederation was ratified due to the result of the revolution. The articles of confederation was a document that was the United States first constitution. Although all thirteen colonies agreed and signed this document, there were many weaknesses. The articles of confederation gave the state more power than the government. The government thought that they should have been granted more power than the states therefore, they would have more …show more content…

The women of the Revolution were part of a group called the Daughters Of Liberty. The Daughters of Liberty took part in various activities such as, made hand spun clothes and organized spinning bees to make cloth in group settings where women discuss political news. At their meetings they ate traditional american food, and drank coffee and herbal tea, not British tea. Even though women were not allowed to physically participate in the war they played a very important role in the American Revolution and had an impact towards the outcome (Document A). Although women were part of the behind the scenes work during the war, many women wanted a bigger role. Likewise, Deborah Sampson a women who dressed as a man to play a role in the Revolutionary war. Deborah Sampson wanted to be more active during the war like many other women. Consubstantial, Molly Pitcher was also a women who showed bravery and heroism. Molly Pitcher took over her husbands spot during the Battle of Monmouth part of the American Revolution as she was achieving her job, passing out water to soldiers. When her husband disintegrated she knew she had to do something. Molly Pitcher felt compelled to take her husband's position and fire the cannon. Women also took part in republican motherhood which was when they taught their kids republic ideas. The idea coming from republican motherhood was if

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