
How Did The American Revolution Change During The Enlightenment

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During the Enlightenment many changes were happening. There were breakthroughs in all sciences not just medicine. Old ideas and theories were replaced with more modern ways. New medicines were developed and new treatments were tested. Some of the discoveries are still in use today with more modern machinery and diagnostic tools. This was an exciting age for all sciences. Columbus made a voyage to a new world and new people. Trade and exploration continued into the Enlightenment. The visits and trade increased resulting in many instances of virgin soil diseases. This resulted in the Columbian Exchange. Not only food and knowledge were exchanged but also new diseases and medicines. The most notable medicine discovered in the Americas was cinchona bark to treat malaria. Smallpox, measles, influenza, chickenpox, typhoid and typhus killed many indigenous people in the New World. The New World sent syphilis back to the Old World as shown in the pdf of the Columbian Exchange. Numerous discoveries marked this period. The most notable …show more content…

The Great Plague of 1665 in London killed eight thousand people a week at its peak. Surgeons lanced buboes in an ineffective attempt to rid the body of bad humors (The Great Plague). Yersinia pestis lives in fleas on many types of rodent species. The rodents serve as long-term reservoirs for the bacteria without the rodents experiencing excessive die-off. Dogs and cats can host fleas infected with Yerisina pestis (Ecology). This makes the plague a zoonotic disease. The way the bacterium was transmitted in London was by the bites of infected fleas. Other animals can become infected by fleas that traveled from another host. Epizootic infections are then transferred to humans according to the Center for Disease Control. In 1666 London had a fire and the city was cleaned and better sewer systems were built. These improvements reduced the number of rats and ended the

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