
How Did The Holocaust Happen

Decent Essays

It is clear that the holocaust did happen but why would some people believe that it did not? Many sources state that people don’t deny the holocaust. But don’t think that there could be that high of numbers with people being murdered and killed and that they weren’t death camps, the people died of some sort of disease and starvation. The main thing is that they believe that Hitler did not command the holocaust and that it was not the Nazis that committed it. Then who did? At the trials of Nuremberg in 1945 and 1946 twenty-two major, high ranked Nazis were charged on the holocaust and many others were found guilty before and after those trials.

An article states that there is no autopsy reports and that there was nothing in German documents that state facts on the holocaust or if it happened. “Although there were many thousands of corpses available in German concentration camps by the end of the war and although at least 1,000 autopsies were performed, none showed any evidence of death by poison gas or poison.” There is many videos from the survivors of the holocaust that even tell there stories about it. Those same people believe that there is no physical documents or proof was found, and even after being told, being proven wrong.They still believe that the holocaust did not happen and that something that massive …show more content…

There are photos all over the internet, photos at Nuremberg, photographs that regular people took of the killings the Nazis were doing. There is even a picture of a book that has the registry of everyone who died and who was killed. These people on this photograph where all disabled and mentally disabled and they were part of the Euthanasia project in Germany. -National Archives and Records Administration. Then there is also a cemetery at the hadamar institute where victims of that same euthanasia project were buried in graves. With hundreds and hundreds of graves in that one small acre of

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