
Should Students Learn About The Holocaust

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The Holocaust is a topic that some think of as a very essential part of history and students should learn about it. On the other side, some think that it is too severe for middle school students. And others stay neutral. Nazis abused their large power and used it towards destruction and violated civil rights and in so, killed 6 million Jews. The Holocaust was a turning point in history that is only taught based on the judgement of schools. The Holocaust Museum in Houston says, “During the Holocaust religious, moral, and legal systems failed in deterring the dangers of prejudice.” This can compare to how there is a large debate on whether students should or shouldn’t learn about the Holocaust or topics similar to it. The Holocaust was a major …show more content…

One the survivors, Kitty Hart-Moxon, wanted to emphasize what had happened and make sure people were listening whether they wanted to or not. The Holocaust was a tragedy that broke apart of the world. Some would feel that by almost not wanting to learn about it is almost considering as if it never happened and making a mockery of history and their outcomes. Learning about the Holocaust also facilitates the idea of honoring and paying respect to the many that have passed and those who have survived. We also generate an appreciation of history and how the past has resulted to where we are now. It can also be considered a disservice to Jewish students who have the right to know their history. Some people think that when you say statements like: “The Holocaust did not happen” or “The Holocaust should not be taught in schools” is promoting hatred against the Jewish population group and belittling what had happened in the Holocaust. A prime example of this would be the trial of Jim Keegstra. Keegstra believed that it was his religious duty to teach his values rather than from the actual curriculum. Specifically, he taught his disciples that the gas ovens were not for killing, but for disinfection of bedding and clothing. There is bound to be other people who have the same values, in which they should be put to justice, as some would state. Many people were …show more content…

When teaching the Holocaust, it should gradually be taught to children so they can understand the roots of it all. Some would acclaim that it is better to teach about the Holocaust since it teaches children or young adults about the importance of accepting difference. It is even better to actually learn about it directly in comparison to on the media that can alter the content and teach ‘rumors’ instead of facts. The article, “Teaching Young Children about the Holocaust” holds a rational point to keep precautions of what age these topics most strive at. It asserts that the Holocaust should be taught at the earliest of 5th or 6th grade (in British school system grades), which would be considered middle school in the United States. In order to actually teach about the Holocaust, schools have to investigate what the right age is to teach topics like the Holocaust and which age it betters

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