
How Did The Northern Colonies Shaped America Today

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The northern colonies of New England, southern, and middle colonies have made America as it is today. The different religions, economics, social issues, and politics they brought with them on their journeys are what helped shape the United States. The northern colonies of New England colonies were founded by the Puritans. The Puritans were English Protestants, however not all of the New England colonists were Puritans. At the end of the seventeenth century the Quakers started to colonize the in state of Massachusetts. The Quakers thought that ministers and Bibles were not required to worship God. The Quakers religion and the Puritans religion are complete opposites. This led to several of the colonies treated the Quakers badly. The middle colonies were led by the British Empire until William Penn was allowed to have land by the throne and shaped Pennsylvania. All voters had to be Christian, on top of anyone hoping to be in office. The resident government did not make colonists to go to church or to fee taxes the help the church, like they did in other colonies. William Penn established a foreign assembly made up of tax-paying property-owners that made the rule to ban any regulations approved by the council. He also selected a governor who had the right to get rid of any …show more content…

The ruler of England selected a noble administrator, who then chose his council. This was the upper house. Councils from each area in the society were chosen by their people to arrange a lower house, which was the House of Burgesses. Counties were made to offer control on the lower level and were controlled independently by a panel of officials, which is identified as the county court. The men of the county court were held accountable for judicial and organizational matters in their part. Most of the southern colonies shadowed the Virginia form of

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