
How Did The Roman Catholic Church Contribute To The Renaissance

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Although the Roman Catholic church enjoyed a time of growth and increased power before the Renaissance, the Roman Catholic church’s reign was diminished greatly during the
Renaissance. During the Renaissance the Catholic church began to lose its power as the officials could not agree and there were multiple popes. Thus, the cultural change of the Renaissance challenged the Roman Catholic church’s power and ushered in a time where arguments were made that definitive measures be taken in order ensure religious inclusivity and fairness. Wycliff first challenged the Catholic church inspiring and sparking religious reform brought on my
Martin Luther.
For 1,000 years the Catholic church was the only denomination, therefore it existed above reproach, and this operation of the …show more content…

An Englishman by the name of John Wycliffe was one of the early challengers of the Roman Catholic church. Wycliffe argued that the church should not collect taxes while there were many who wanted to attend church but feared judgment from the wealthy church attendants (Byrne, Joseph P.) During this time, Rome found itself requiring financial aid from England because Rome as a nation was struggling to raise money to resist any possible French attacks (Emmons, Jim Tschen.). Wycliffe argued to parliament that this should not be so. However, in truth, the church would be the largest beneficiary of that aid. Wycliffe claimed that the church was already too wealthy. He added that the Lord called his disciples to poverty, not wealth and that they the church should not ignore the needs of those on poverty
(Stacey, John). In addition, he argued that the only beneficiaries of any financial aid from
England should be local English authorities. In support of this view, Proverbs 22:22-23 says “Do not exploit the poor because they are poor and do not crush the needy in court, for the Lord

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