
Research Paper On Vincent Van Gogh

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Vincent van Gogh is now a well known artist even though he died way too soon before he could make more artwork. While he was alive he suffered from mental illnesses and lived a very poor life. He spent most of his time making artwork. It wasn’t until he died that he gained popularity for his artwork. Vincent loved art from a young age. He got his love of art from his mother who was a moody artist. He had to work at his Uncle Cornell’s art dealership when his family was in financial trouble. During that time he got to see some great pieces of art at a young age. Vincent was a very intelligent person. At the age of fifteen he spoke French, German, and English fluently. Later on in June of 1873 Vincent was transferred to London at the Groupil Gallery. While he was in England he fell in love with the culture. While he was staying at the Groupil Gallery he would explore other art galleries in his free time. Vincent loved everything about England including his landlord’s daughter. He proposed marriage to her and she rejected him. After she rejected him, he went insane. He threw away everything except for a Bible and devoted his life to God. He became a very angry person. He would yell at people at work telling them not to buy this “worthless art”. He was eventually …show more content…

I’ve always admired it because it looks so real. My other favorite is “Starry Night” because of how he painted everything in it. I love the outlines around the moon and stars. It really adds to the painting. Some paintings by him I didn’t like were ‘Lane in Autumn” and “Cart with Black Ox” because the colors are dreary and they make me feel sort of sad, not happy like the paintings with the bright colors. I really think “Lanes in Autumn” should’ve had more colors since it’s fall. Overall I love most of his paintings and I think they should’ve been shown to the public’s eyes

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