
How Did Ww1 Affect The Modern Middle East

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The Modern Middle East that most scholars know of today didn’t just come to be overnight, but rather decades worth of events during the 19th century such as WWI helping form the modern Middle East we know of currently. WWI specifically left a political impact to be exact on the political landscape leading to new beginnings and taking away old ones while the 19th century in general led to economic and social changes as well as political changes. To emphasize, WWI was to reason as to why there was a huge spread of different nationalisms leading to more patriotism that resulted in many nationalist movements. For example, a nationalist event that occurred was that Turkey had waged a war of independence in order to take back what was rightfully their territory because it was being allocated to the surrounding regional powers. Fortunately they won and were able to remain where they were and keep what was theirs …show more content…

Jordan from then on became dull and very needy in resources and finances making it a weak link up to this day. On the other hand, the same happened for Iraq, but Britain transformed Iraq in a source that was engineered for goods for the British that gave them all the benefits. As time continued in the 19th century, the state’s role expanded quite exponentially leaving a positive effect into modernization. Within more time to come, the new system believed that in order to continue modernizing meant to make a commitment to laicization which gave more power to the people. Due to this, they received more freedom and personal authorization. This shifted religion from public to more private though due to not have everyone under the same beliefs with the same practices. Sure it was less organized, but it was lenient to the people gaining their favor to openness to practice their own beliefs that they strongly believe

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