
How Did Ww2 Changed The World

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Saying that World War II changed the world is an understatement. During the years of and following the war, the entire world felt the ripples of it. As one of the principal parties in the war, Europe was affected in every aspect. It would be completely changed and many of these changes would stay in place well into the twenty first century. The outcome of World War two affected Europe's position on the world map, the factors behind its later unification, and how successful that unification was. In the conclusion of the second world war, the Allied powers won. Those included U.S., Britain, France, Belgium,Greece, Canada, Denmark, The Netherlands, Norway, Australia, Brazil, China, New Zealand, Poland, Yugoslavia, and South Africa. Majority …show more content…

A major on deals with the arms race that had escalated during the years of the Cold War. With the Soviet Union and the U.S. rapidly developing arms and the possibility of atomic warfare very real, both sides started to talk about possible peace between the two countries. This only came in 1956 after several problems but the idea of peace didn’t last long. One of these problems was with the Suez canal in Egypt. In 1956, the Egyptian president announced that the canal was nationalized which worried the Britain and France due to their use of the canal for transporting oil. When Egypt and Israel went to war later that year, the French and British forces intervene to protect their interests. Both the U.S. and the Soviet Union heavily disagreed without the support from either sides, they were not able enforce anything. Because neither the superpowers wanted war, and that it wasn’t really possible without their support, it showed the rest of the world who was really in control and that they also decided to choose peace at times. After the conflict with the Suez canal, there were several other conflicts until steps towards peace were taken. This included the failed Conference in Paris, the building of the Berlin Wall, the uprisings and demonstrations in the Soviet bloc countries, and the Cuban missile crisis. …show more content…

First with western Europe, and after the collapse of the Soviet Union, with the east as well. Many of these attempts were successful. One of the first of these attempts was the Marshall Plan which was used as an instrument to restore the economies of western Europe and to establish democracies. The plan would provide economic aid to fight the post war affects of poverty and in return expected cooperation for mutual benefit. The plan strengthened western Europe not as allies with each other and not against anyone. Another internal cooperation efforts was the formation of the European Economic Community(or Common Market) in 1957. The six original members were very successful and managed to eliminate all tariffs within their countries. After seeing this success, other nations applied for membership and EEC became what is presently know as the European Union. The European Union has been very successful in its endeavors to mutually help the member economies. One of these successful endeavours was the implementation of a common currency. As of 2002, seventeen countries now share the euro as their currency. This unifies where language and culture are barriers but money is not. Another major success in unification was the addition of ten members of the European union in 2004. Most of these additions were former Soviet bloc countries who had just a little over a decade free from Soviet influence. While this was a

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