
To Brexit Or Not To Brexit. The European Union Of Today

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To Brexit or not to Brexit The European Union of today was established in 1990, but dates back to 1952, with the start of the European Coal and Steal Community. This original community was made up of six countries: Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and West Germany. Their focus by joining together was to keep economic independence and peace after the end of World War II. They hoped to sustain close relationships across borders to keep the individual states from turning against each other. By 1963, the countries had signed policies standardizing food and crop prices within the Union. They also agreed upon providing nations in Africa with aid to create quicker development of partnerships. Years later the Treaty of Rome …show more content…

On June 23, 2016, the famous referendum vote to determine if the United Kingdom should remain part of the European Union or leave was held. A large turnout of over thirty million individuals cast their vote, representing more than 71 percent of legal voters. Those in favor of the British exit, also known by its nickname Brexit, won with a 52 percent majority vote. England and Whales represented the majority that supported Brexit, while Scotland and Northern Ireland leaned strongly towards remaining with the European Union. The completion of the referendum called for the United Kingdom to invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty . This gives the United Kingdom the right to legally withdraw from the European Union, following their own nation’s requirements to put the process into action (Hunt and Wheeler). Why are so many Britains set on leaving the European Union? The United Kingdom has continually found ways in which they have opted out of adopting certain changes that most of the EU has embraced. For example, they never changed their currency to the euro, and they did not take part in the Schengen Agreement; which, extinguished patrols along borders between countries. Another reason for the strong urgency to leave was the UK has never felt close to the rest of Europe. They have always had a sense of separation when it comes to associating themselves with the rest of continental Europe. A bigger issue that voters voiced dealt with

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