
How Do We Manage Groups And Teams?

Decent Essays

There are various ways to manage groups and teams in our society, workplace, families or whether it is everywhere in the world. One way to manage a group is to have a vision of what you are working with. Teamwork is one of the most important a competent an individual could be committed to. When working in groups you have to be dependable to do the job and committed to do your best. There is a saying that says, “There is no I’s in team”, it all about working together. Being independent a person is responsible for his/or her own work area and that is alright, but not a good thing to accomplish in a work ethic surrounding. There is an interdependent work group which everyone relies on each member to get his or her job done. It is good …show more content…

(Using six leadership styles for effective team performance, 2016). As a leader over cheerleader squad, you may have young ladies from Mexico or any other foreign country. One of the hardest things is learning the languages from each other’s country. So the young ladies learn the cheer and work together as a group, not just a few girls learning. Working together this is teams think style. Then the squad goes to the football game and cheers in front of all the people this is a group think style. Some companies have different kinds of leadership styles in their workplace. A Laissez-Faire leader is a person who has high experience and has to train employee under his supervision, this leader fails to provide information or ideas to the ones under his supervision which leads to poor production in the company. Autocratic leadership style is one make decisions on their own and do not wants inputs from others. This style of leadership requires close working relationship with their employees. Transactional leadership style rewards

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