
How Do You Write Prose Lead Into The Quote In Romeo And Juliet?

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For prose lead into the quote with a sentence, which should end in a comma, put quotation marks around the quotation then put in parenthesis the author’s last name and the page number. For example: Hassan exclaims to Amir, “For you a thousand times over!” (Hosseini 71).
For poetry and dramas (Shakespeare) the method is the same. First the writer must use a sentence to lead into the quote, then use quotation marks around the quotation, but each line form the poem or play must have a backslash (/) after each line. The quote must be cited in text with the poet or playwright's last name then the act number, the scene, and the line numbers. Act and scene number should be in Roman Numerals. For example: Lady Macbeth explains to Macbeth, “Glamis thou

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