
MLA Rough Draft

Decent Essays

1. When writing, whether you paraphrase or directly quote someone else’s ideas anywhere in your paper, you must document the use of those borrowed ideas with an internal citation notation. In MLA, there are two basic features of an internal citation. What are they?

In-text citation – This is a parenthetical citation within the paper that refers the reader to a list of works cited. It commonly includes the author of the source and a page number, and punctuation separates the author's last name and the page number. Nor is the abbreviation p. (for “page”) used. The period that ends the sentence appears after the closing parenthesis. 2. In MLA, if you work (include) the identity of the source into the sentence structure, where do page numbers …show more content…

In MLA, how are the works cited entries organized on the Work(s) Cited page?
 Tell me how to arrange a works cited list on the page. No example required.

 Create a new page at the end of your paper for a "Works Cited" list. Center the words "Works Cited" at the top of the page. Double space after the title and begin entering citations.
 Entries are listed alphabetically by the last name of the author or by the first major word of the title if no author is given. If a source has more than one author, it is alphabetized by the last name of the author whose name appears first. The entries are not numbered.
 Entries are double-spaced.
 The first line of each entry begins at the left margin. If more than one line is needed to complete the entry, additional lines are indented five spaces or half an inch (this is called a hanging indent).
6. In MLA, if the source’s identity is not worked into (written as part of) your sentence structure, how does the internal citation look the first time you create it? Use your last name and page number 123 to illustrate your answer.
To correctly answer question 6, show me (don’t tell me) how an internal citation looks the first time you cite it in your paper, using your name as the source and page number 123 to complete your response. You don’t need to write a sentence first, just show me the

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