
How Does Alzheimer's Disease Effect On Caregivers

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Alzheimer’s Disease Effect On Caregivers Alzheimer's Disease is categorized as one of the diseases that completely destroys the brain cells, leading to major problems with memory, one's way of thinking and their behavior. One interesting fact about Alzheimer's disease is that it cannot be prevented, cured or slowed. Mi11ions of people per year suffer from Alzheimer's disease, approximately 200,000 under the age of 65 and millions over the age of 65. The impact that Alzheimer's disease has on a caregiver is huge because the caregivers have to deal with their family member not remembering them, or a family member not being aware of what is happening. A lot of caregivers grow anger towards the Alzheimer's patient because they get frustrated at …show more content…

They do say there is no medical care as of yet. They also stated that diabetes is linked to Alzheimer's, and it increases the risk of dementia. They came to this conclusion based on studies that were made in the past by former colleagues. They also cite a study in which a man, Bhattacharjee, proposes probiotics as a treatment to prevent Alzheimer's but it has not yet been tested. This to me is a big takeaway because some researchers and scientist do believe that there is a cure to Alzheimer's, and they do have some ideas on what can help patients with Alzheimer's but they have not yet used their ideas on any patient because they are not aware of the risk's. This shows that Alzheimer's is more serious then people take it as, but people are trying to come up with ideas in order to fix it, or better the situation for patients with the disease, which a lot of mature people are vulnerable …show more content…

One fourth of Alzheimer's patients participate in physical aggression towards their caregivers which shows one of the major effects of AD. Another effect is that the Alzheimer's patients are not aware of what they have and have trouble explaining what they have, and it is not something that they can control. It is very clear that the caregivers of the patients fall into tremendous stress since the patients can't seem to remember who they are, and are unable to grasp a lot of their memories. It is determined that family members and caregivers taking care of the AD patients, need more social support in order to not fall into a high level of stress, because stress can cause the caregivers to leave the AD patient alone. Behaviors such as Yoga and exercise and simple ways of manipulating Alzheimer's disease, and though the disease as of today, still has no cure, there are scientist working on ways to control it and reduce the symptoms in order to change the patient's behaviors. This all shows that Alzheimer's Disease effects the caregivers overall due to the memory loss and personality change of the AD patients, and it also effects the caregivers due to the high level of stress that they

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