
How Does Artifact Affect Student Learning

Decent Essays

These samples of student’s work support the standards 3.3 and 3.5. For addition, subtraction, multiplication, more or less, and word problems, the student has learned how to do these methods through visual, audio, modeling, guided practice, and individual practice. When teaching the lessons, I used modeling, visual and audio instructional strategies. Once the methods were taught, the student did guided practice and then individual practice. For this student I start with addition problems because they are something he enjoys doing. Once he has done some, I am able to have him complete less desired tasks such as subtraction and word problems.

This artifact impacted my professional knowledge and practice by teaching me that I always need to be flexible. I learned that sometimes I need to start my lesson with a preferred task such as addition problems in order to get the student to complete the lesson about a non-desired task such as word problems. I also learned that writing word problems that pertain to the student’s life such as favorite food or toy helps the student be engaged and want to complete the problem. This also impacted my practice reinforcing that I have to be prepared. For this student in particular, he does not like wait time. If …show more content…

If he would have started with it right away, he would have shut down and not want to complete any math. This artifact helped him work on his multiplication fluency, borrowing from the 10’s place, more or less, and word problems. When this student first started working on word problems, he used a note card that had the steps to reading, setting up, and answering word problems. He also used notecard with different words that mean addition and subtraction. When he completed this work, he no longer needed the note cards. He was able to read the problem, set it up, determine if it was addition or subtraction, and solve it all

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