
The Theory Of Multiplication As Equal Groups Through A Familiar Context

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• 1. The teacher established a mathematical goal to focus learning. In the beginning of the reading it said “Mr. Harris wanted his third-grade students to understand the structure of multiplication and decided to develop a task that would allow students to explore multiplication as equal groups through a familiar context” (Ex. Lines 4 and 5 provide evidence of established a mathematical goal to focus learning). The teacher also reminded the students of the initial goal,” ‘So, tell me about your picture. How does it show the setup 28 of the chairs for the band concert?’" (Ex. Lines 28 and 29 provide evidence of established a mathematical goal to focus learning). • 2. He then implemented a task the promoted reasoning and problem solving. …show more content…

Lines 63 provides evidence of posed purposeful questions). • 7. Support Productive struggle in learning mathematics. The teacher did this when the students were working on their own methods of solving the problem. He allowed time for the students to draw out their representations. It never said, in the reading, how much time was given for the students to draw arrays, but based off molly’s representation she had enough time to draw 160 individual boxes. Also, in the reading the teacher goes by and sees that some students have changed their method of solving the problem (Ex. Lines 38 provides evidence of Support Productive struggle in learning mathematics). That would not have happened if there was not enough time to have a productive struggle. • 8. Elicit and use evidence of student thinking. He did this throughout the whole lesson. He saw evidence of his students thinking when he asked them to draw arrays of their own representation of the problem (Ex. Lines 33 and 34 provides evidence of Elicit and use evidence of student thinking). This was also used in his lesson when he asked them to write “He knew this informal experience with the distributive property would be important in subsequent lessons and the student writing would provide him with some insight into whether his students understood that quantities could be decomposed as a strategy in solving multiplication problems.” (Ex. Lines 81-83 provides evidence of Elicit and use evidence of student thinking). 2.

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