Portfolio Assignment Part 2
Birth Order
Gagan Sidhu
Birth order affected the characters in Crow Lake because Luke was the oldest one and when the accidental crash had happened, he was destined to hold all the responsibilities and carry on as the family’s main support and father figure. When parents aren't home or they are gone on a trip, it is usually the eldest that takes care of the rest. Luke had to push away his dreams to take care of everyone else. Bo was the youngest, and everyone focused on her or took care of her, such as her getting a babysitter, her learning how to potty train and even years later Bo learning how to drive. She has always been taken care a lot by the whole family. Luke's relationship with his sisters is different from Matt's relationship with his sisters because for Luke, he is just the caretaker and provider. He never spent time with them before the accident; he was just there. Mostly because the age gap was quite by a lot. Even after the accident, it was only to take care of them. Where Matt, on the other hand, spent a lot of time with both sisters
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It is evident that she chose her major in biology because of the ponds from her childhood, "My choice was inevitable and was set long before….” (191) Matt was always the smart one of the families and educated Kate on things about the pond, so he became her role model of what she always wanted to be, but she knew she could never exactly be like him and have the passion he has. In their childhood days, they were always close and spent a lot of their days at the pond building their relationship and growing. Lastly, whenever she thinks about Crow Lake, she knows that her good memories lye right by the pond and when she comes back to visit with Matt, the pond is all the
With their death came many situations that needed solutions -harsh solutions- that almost drifted the family apart. Losing them forced Matt to act like an adult at the tender age of seventeen. Knowing that his parents are gone, Matt made sure that he looked after his little sisters while their older brother Luke was away looking for odd jobs that could support the family. In fact, his idea of babysitting was bringing his younger sisters to the pond. He taught them about the ecosystem in the pond - how the different beings in the pond lived. In a passage, Katie recalls the effect their parents’ death made on Matt: “..everyone assumed that I was the one most affected..[but] I had Matt to turn to..[he] had nobody” (102). Everyone assumed that he would just cope with the tragedy because he was expected to. After all, he was turning into an adult. Although he was pushed to the responsibility prematurely, Matt still stepped up and did the best he can to raise his little
Whitbourne explains the stereotypes surrounding sibling roles, such as the first-born is most likely to take on the leadership position, and tend to “stick to rules and order, and strive toward achievement
“I liked Biology and how this worked. I always wanted to become a doctor growing up and I felt like it was the best course.It involved agricultural of science ;that's why I chose to do Biological science instead of Biology.This involves the business side of agricultural. This includes crops, animals, and as well as learning about the human biology. I wanted to go into the medical field because I like to deal with preventative medicine.I wanted to meet with patients before they get sick and help them get better before the illness worsens. “
Bryan and Caroline Boyer, his wife, have two children already who are much younger then there cousins, but considered having more children in the house a blessing. Bryan and his wife keep trying to stay positive on the situation, given the success Luke has already seen and also that he has the ability to take in more children.
Fear can motivate you to do something or stop you. One way is when doing something you know someone will do it. Why do people treat people different based off your tragedy Based off the movie Cool Hand Luke’s mom died, his partners gave him respect by leaving the room and the one of boss workers locked Luke in the box to grieve. People just don’t know how to react But we shouldn’t let fear stop us. Like going back to Antigone when Ismene burried her family relative she really didnt know what to do and she just did what was suppose to be done, what her mind told her to.
Using the book, notes, and biblical text itself, choose two of the Gospels and compare and contrast their presentation of the life of Christ. Be sure to include how things like the authors’ background and audience affect their message.
In the texts “That That Elusive Birth Order and What it Means for You,” and “How Birth Order Affects Your Personality,” the authors give their interpretation on the importance of birth order in siblings. The author of the first text, Susan Whitbourne, stresses the unimportance of birth order. Conversely, Joshua Hartshorne, the author of the second text, says that birth order is significant to personality, but there just has not been enough evidence until recent studies.
According to Alfred Adler, the birth order of the children in a family will largely affect how they age and the personalities which they will form. First borns enter the family as the only child. They revel in the love and full attention from their parents, that is, until the second baby comes along. Suddenly, first borns are dethroned and lose the undivided attention they are used to receiving. As a result, they tend to develop a strong sense of responsibility and protectiveness over their siblings at an early age, which often leads to them becoming authoritative adults. Moreover, when there are multiple children in the family, parents will set high
Luke Garner was a third child. Where Luke was from they could not have a third child and if they get caught with three children then they would take the third child away and the parents would get in trouble. Since Luke was the third child he had to hide all the time. (Pg.6) Luke had two older brothers named Matthew and Mark. (Pg.7) Jen's father got Luke a fake I.D. so that he is not like a third child. (Pg.6) His new name is Lee Grant and he goes to Hendricks School for Boys. That school is for boys who are rich.
Kate is also very tough and modest like most men, who are raised and taught to hide their emotions in public. However deep inside Kate is still a female. In the second investigation which Kate had with Ellen, Kate does end up allowing herself to break down with tears in the midst of her conversation about her dead lover Anne. Here, Forrest shows that even though some women are masculine, they are limited to an extent because they are in custody to the biological determinism which determines the limits for the advancing of success based on sex (Rubin Thinking Sex). It is important that Forrest was able to show both sides of Kate: the tough masculine side and the soft elegant feminine side.
“I want to go to college for Game Design, Visual Basics. But my main goal is Graphic Design.” She said, smiling. “I was always fascinated with the way the digital world works, and I have been playing video games since I was 5. It was a very important part of my life, and it helped me realize that I want this to be my career. It’s also a great stress reliever!” She said, laughing. As we reached the part where I asked her what made her decide to want to go to college, she became serious for a moment. “I believe that it all comes down to family matters. With that being said,I want to be the successful young lady that my mom, dad, brother, and sister know I can be. I want to be a role model to my siblings, and also I want to make my parents proud of me.” She smiled and crossed her legs as I went to the next question. “What colleges did you apply for?” I asked her. She thought about her answer for a moment, before she finally spoke. “I have applied to Monroe, my main reason being that my mother went there and I want to follow in her footsteps. I am considering Mercy, since Mr. Frum said that it was a beautiful campus, as well as the fact that a friend of his went there for game design, and now he is successful and happy in his field. I found that to be very cool.” As we began wrapping up the interview, I asked her one last
Kate makes a fantasy world about her life for Jenny to believe in her perspective. Kate and Jenny have always been best friends ever since the two were young. The both of them would always hang out with each other have sleepovers, go to the pool together, the library, and went everywhere else together. They were “inseparable” as the author said. Although, throughout all of their adventures Kate has been telling Jenny about her experience in high school. Keep in mind that Kate is older by a couple of years than Jenny, therefore, Kate has an influence on what to teach Jenny when she gets into high school. For example, a Jenny had a memory of Kate had told
However, when Kate realizes “Daniel had become fundamental” (161) to her life, she decides to bring Daniel back to Crow Lake. This decision is vital for their relationship, and it also indicates that Kate eventually begins to face the problems in her life, and tries to resolve them.
One of the many appeals of Star Wars is its extensive cast of unique characters. Every character is written creatively; even the one-off minor characters have a special flair to them. The interactions between these characters are what drive the story and create this vast universe. Ultimately, Luke Skywalker is the main character of the original Star Wars trilogy. The three films tell his story and journey of becoming a Jedi Knight. Starting out as a naive young boy, throughout the course of the films Luke Skywalker matures into a full fledged Jedi Knight who is tasked with defeating the Empire.
Sibling rivalry is not the only issue that was triggered by birth order, child’s personality and his or her intelligence is also involved. Some researchers say that first-borns are smarter because they are pressured to set-up the boundary for the younger siblings. They are more enthusiastic in their education for them to be role models of their other siblings. As for the younger ones, life may be or may not be easy, depending on how they will view it. They may view it positively by keeping in mind that since their older sibling get through it, they also can. Otherwise,