China burns more coal than anywhere else in the world. Martin Patience, a writer for BBC News online, gives some information about how coal is causing the air pollution in China. Patience states, “At one coal pit the bulldozers are hard at work. They push huge mounds of coal close to the waiting trucks. The air is filthy, blackened by the coal dust.” Coal is a primary source of greenhouse gas emissions and can be found anywhere in China because it costs inexpensive. The greenhouse gas emissions are caused by electricity and heat that runs from place to place in China, where over 1.3 billion of the people need it for daily use. Brad Plumer, a writer for The Washington Post online, states “China’s coal use grew 9% in 2011, rising to 3.8 billion
Domestic ,agriculture ,and industry are growing each year rapidly (Doc C). Coal is one of china's biggest malfunction a huge water usage (Doc D). Agriculture uses a ton of water (Doc C).Domestic, Agriculture,and industry are growing each from 1980 to 2011 it has grow 450 billion cubic meters. Coal is one of the greatest malfunction lots of money from it and it keeps grown the are going to keep using more and more water. Because coal uses humongous amount of water.
It produces a great deal of our electricity; however, we don’t spend a lot of time thinking about the implications. As Goodell notes on the first page, “We love our hamburgers, but we’ve never seen the inside of a slaughterhouse.” Isn’t that the truth? When we fuel up our cars, we don’t think (much) about the ramifications of our oil dependence. When we flip a light switch, we do not associate that with the coal-driven mountaintop removals in West Virginia. In this book, “BIG COAL” Jeff describes Goodell thrusts those associations right in your face. He covers the history of the industry, tells the stories of the people in and around the business, and while most of the book is based on U.S.-happenings, he does spend a chapter in China. We would imagine the coal industry was none too pleased with Big Coal because it paints a really ugly picture of the industry. Goodell contrasts the coal industry with the individuals whose lives have been negatively impacted by coal in one way or another. He details corruption and politics that allowed the industry to delay implementation of pollution control equipment. And on a big picture level, he argues that continued usage of coal poses a serious threat to the earth’s
China produces half of the world’s coal, and 70% of china’s energy is produced by burning coal, about the same as Australia. China has burned about 3.8 Billion tons of before 2011, and the rest of the world has burnt 4.3. Coal burning produced about five billion tons of carbon dioxide in china in 2004.
Coal-burning power plants are the largest U.S. source of carbon dioxide pollution producing 2.5 billion tons of CO2 emissions every year (Natural Resources Defense Council 2005). Cars are the second largest source, creating nearly 1.5 billion tons of CO2 annually (Natural Resources Defense Council 2005). Approximately 50% of the greenhouse gasses causing global warming are coming from burning fossil fuels to power or create electricity and another 25% was coming out of our tail pipes from burning gasoline or diesel (Brunsaw 2015).
Beijing, China has a coal mining history of nearly 800 and some odd years. This has been a major air pollutant and the main reason for it is because its economy has grown substantially in the last 30 years. Worldwide, there are twenty cities with the highest, worst air pollution, sixteen of those cities are within China alone. The main causes of Beijing’s air pollution can be pointed to several factors. Large economical growth, an increase in vehicles on the roads, growth in population, and manufacturing. China has also experienced major economic growth with a large rise in Gross Domestic Product. This increase can be connected with pollution. Vehicles are just one contributor to pollution which we will discuss later in this paper.
Beijing, the capital of China, since the development of industrialization and economy, the environmental problems emerge gradually. Especially air pollution is becoming a huge problem today. Air pollution is the harmful matters including particulates and biological molecules introduced into Earth’s atmosphere which is harmful to both human health and natural environment. This essay will firstly illustrate the main causes of air pollution in Beijing, including natural causes and man-made causes, and then outline some effects of this problem.
Coal is the most carbon dioxide but also additionally contains different components that also contributes to pollution in the air that is rising at an alarming rate, Walke (2016)
In the past decade, the severe air pollution problem in fast developing countries, particularly in China, has caused highly social and scientific attention. In 2014, 92 % of the world population are exposed over to the WHO Air Quality Guidelines (AQG) PM2.5 concentration level of 10 μg/m3 (World Health Organization, 2016). Ambient particulate matter (PM) pollution ranked as the third leading risk factor in India and Nepal, and ranked as the fifth in China (GBD 2015 Risk Factors Collaborators, 2016). In 2012, about 3 million deaths globally were attributed solely to ambient air pollution, and around 87% of it occurred in low- and middle-income countries (World Health Organization, 2016).
Air pollution by definition, is the presence in or introduction into the air of a substance which has harmful or poisonous effects. Beijing is a major Chinese city that endures air pollution significantly. A study on the global burden of disease found that outdoor air pollution contributed to 1.2 million premature deaths in China each year (Chemical & Engineering News,2017). As China is the world's second largest economy behind the United States, it is most definitely under the influence of globalization. Globalization causes industrialization, a process that will inevitably create pollution.70% of air pollution in China is from the tailpipes of automobiles (Conserve Energy Future, 2017). Thus, the introduction of advanced transportation brought by globalization has adversely affected China's atmosphere.
Moreover, carbon and petroleum, compounds which produce large amounts of carbon emissions when burned, have accounted for more than half of the energy produced in 2013, while cleaner energy sources, such as solar and wind power, were reported as less than 10% of the produced energy (Adams). Developing countries, like China and India, play a huge role in the production. China alone contributed 27% of 2011’s total carbon emissions (Union). The process of modernization and the air pollution that this causes has led to uncontrollable environmental damage, in addition to a huge influx of health defects and pollution-related deaths.
Emissions are gases and particles that are released into the atmosphere. This is caused by burning fuels and other processes. Even though humans contribute most air emissions, animals can also contribute a portion of carbon dioxide and methane into the air through digestive processes. The primary sources of emissions in the United States, which are released by human beings and natural sources, are carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane gas, hexafluoride, and halocarbons. Halocarbons and hex fluoride come as a direct result of man-made inventions (What are Emissions? n.d.). China accounts for about 7% of all world greenhouse gas emissions and is the fourth largest country source behind the Soviet Union, Brazil, and the United States. About three-fourths of China’s emissions are from the production and conversion of coal. They are willing to cooperate in reducing the use of coal because it is the major source of acid rain and air
Beijing is one place that has a huge problem. Their amount of pollution that they are releasing into the air is going to eventually become very toxic and no one is going to be able to survive. They are also one of the worst air quality countries in the world. There was a red alert that happened not too long ago and it finally hit a trigger that something needed to be done. “Now, in a swift policy shift, Beijing plans to issue a red alert on higher thresholds, despite government pledges to better address the toxic air” (Guo). Much of this issue is coming from the enormous amount of coal that is burned. After the alert was sent out, they had to close schools and also put strict limits on the use of cars. It would take years to even make half
China’s increasingly steady growth has impacted the environment negatively as economic growth is normally at the expense of environmental sustainability. Environmental sustainability is the maintenance of renewable resource, pollution creation and non-renewable resource depletion that contributes to the quality of environment on a long-term basis. The environmental performance index ranked Australia 3rd whereas China is far behind on the list, being ranked 188th out of 195 countries. China being ranked heavily low is due to the massive produce of carbon dioxide emissions and pollution from factories, which eventually reduces the production of inputs into the natural environment, and thus represents waste and inefficiency. China does not have
This article that is based on the air pollution in China talks about how contaminated air is constantly killing people who live in major cities of China, especially because the levels of pollution are much higher in China than they are in the United States and other areas. This article displays an environmental and social issue because people expect that there will be no host for the 2022 Olympics if the issues with the environment and pollution keep up in China. This could be a major disadvantage towards the way the Olympics works and towards the amount of deaths caused by pollution in China.
Smog has been spreading rapidly in China since 2013 with an increased number of haze days, which seriously affected residents ' daily life. Smog as an environmental problem has become a major social concern and the government has promulgated a number of policies and governance strategies. In June 2013, the State Council carried on the ten air pollution control measures and strived to practice the code of conduct --- "share breath and struggle". Subsequently, the State Council promulgated the "Air Pollution Control Action Plan"; the provinces and municipalities published the implementation details of air pollution control action plan and other documents. The introduction of these policies not only indicates that China urgently needs to solve the haze problem, but also shows Chinese government 's determination of environmental pollution control. China increases efforts to solve the air pollution including haze problem, and there are some results. However, consecutive smoggy skies and continuous spread across the country also show that for China air pollution governance will be a long battle.