As Hillary Clinton's lead widens, it appears Donald Trump's White House race may be run. Lewd comments about women caught on video may ultimately prove the Republican maverick's undoing, but the influence of his aggressive campaign should not be consigned to history without due analysis.
There are important lessons to be drawn close to home. Trump's act of intentionally and regularly lying has been a pivotal and disturbing part of the campaign. It has been brazen, at times downright scary, and what it represents should be of concern to us all.
Donald Trump has become the face of lying in public office.
Donald Trump has become the face of lying in public office. Photo: Brennan Linsley
From the foundation of Isis to the death of a nuclear scientist
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Trump is far from the first politician to utter an untruth. Indeed, his opponent Hilary Clinton has also proven an able manipulator of the truth, notably around her handling of the 'server-gate' scandal.
Australia has not been without its own controversies where truth has been compromised or sacrificed by those on the left and right of politics. The deliberate use of false and misleading assertions is a common tactic among our public figures. The question now, sharpened by Trump's brazen disregard for accuracy and truth, is whether we are willing to put up with this behaviour from our public representatives.
While the media have an important role to play in exposing and reporting such behaviour, it is up to the public to act on this information. There is a worrying sense at present of the public almost shrugging their shoulders as if to say "it's what we expect our leaders to do"; one could even go so far as to suggest that we have reached a point where in some almost voyeuristic sense we now enjoy the spectacle or sport of lying.
We allow this to go on at our peril - it has broader and potentially very damaging
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One can hardly expect the public to embrace this kind of public pronouncement while they continue to see their politicians going out of their way to mislead, deceive and hide their abuse of expenses, for example, and especially when the behaviour of the same politicians appears to be driven by their own sense of entitlement.
This only fuels a public desire to ensure they too get whatever they think they are entitled to by whatever means - including lying and deception. It becomes a case of 'If they can do it, then why can't I?'. That is hardly a recipe for a stable, peaceful and prosperous society.
There is no silver bullet to stop this problem among our politicians and public figures, but that does not mean we should not try. And if you are searching for the personal motivation to do so, think of it this way: If someone tells you black is white when it's patently black, then why would you accept this? And what does that tell you about their level of respect for
The most annoying thing in the world is a dishonest friend. How can you trust her if she lies about where she was, or whom she was with, or what she was doing? When it comes to me, I drop that person out of my life, but I along with the rest of America might have a problem. President Donald Trump cannot seem to udder an honest word. Columnist, David Leonhardt, in his editorial explains how President Trump has lied numerous times over the course of his election. His view conveys a tone of irritation towards President Trump. First, Leonhardt integrates literal diction to express how Trump has lied one too many times. Second, Leonhardt utilizes specific details to emphasize the extreme of all Trumps many lies. Third, Leonhardt incorporates
Medvic also defends politicians on the public’s charges about how they are liars and cheats. Medvic contends that we do not know how many liars and cheaters there are in politics. However, politicians are under more scrutiny and would more than likely be caught. In addition, politicians are consistent in what they say and attempt to keep their promises, as supported by Tracy Sulkin study, (Medvic p. 112).
Donald Trump is portrayed as a lying, evil individual in the media. Although we may not know the complete and total truth, we are able to identify that he is lying about something. For example, one of the very first things Trump had said to gather the attention of the audience would be about getting rid of all illegal immigrants. Rapidly, people began turning their heads and opening their ears when they finally understood what he was trying to do. “The consistency and emotional appeal
Our economy is being stimulated with money that isn’t even worth its ‘actual’ value. There are two options for us right now, we can confront our government by tearing down the ‘fraud’ or we can allow our government to continue to create control and tyranny. Anymore, the law is useless against the government, because they don’t abide, but we have to. Our freedom and truth as we know it will no longer exist, but tyranny will become.
The United States, a beacon of freedom and opportunity, has been violated by the distasteful presidency of Donald Trump. A president, or any leader for that matter, should display honor, fortitude, and acceptance, none of which describe our leader. Mr. Trump exhibits every undesirable quality a political figure shouldn’t have, such as; insecurity,intolerance, and ineptitude.
We’ve all heard the tired argument regurgitated by the ostentatious ‘social commentator’ or the disillusioned anarchist uncle; politicians are selfish individuals who brilliantly spin webs of deceit only to create power for themselves and serve their own egos. And so it would seem, that Malcolm Turnbull – an undeniably professional politician who rose to prime ministership undemocratically – perhaps embodies these aforementioned qualities more than most.
David French’s article on “Donald Trump Lives to Lose Another Day” talked about despite his good performance in the second debate the leak audio footage will ultimately hurt his chances of ever winning the election. Despite this Donald Trump was effected in the second debate and made critical points on Clinton’s platform. “All Trump did tonight was live to lose another day. He stanched enough bleeding to keep the opportunists, but he didn’t do anything meaningful to change the fundamental dynamics of the race. He did nothing to show Americans that he deserves to sit in the Oval Office.” (French, 2016). The main argument of each conservative article Trump is most likely to lose the election because the GOP is divided and republican voters to
Out of the 7.5 billion people in this world the art of deception is used within every one of them. Any person can talk to you and you would have no idea if they were lying. The majority of people believe it’s okay to twist the truth a little and make up stories that will benefit you in the end and make you look better. Author of Empire Illusions Chris Hedges argues on how in politics the major essential skill is artifice or a faux. How to be acknowledged by voters and potentially get their vote all you need is a hoaxed narrative. Politics now a day is looked down upon because of the constant deceiving they continue. Nobody wants to be lied to, especially by people who are leaders of the country they live in, making promises you can’t keep isn’t the way to get votes. I don’t stand by Hedges’ argument because lying and manipulating citizens for a vote will only make them hate you in the end.
Trump supporters have spent the past year and a half blinding themselves to facts rather then give up their carnival barker who spews feel-good phrases about building walls and putting political opponents in jail. But who cares what a person’s policy agenda turns out to be as long as they are saying what you want to hear?
Mearsheimer, before going into great detail about lying, informs us that leaders hardly lie to one another but instead to their own people (2011, ix). Mearsheimer proves his theory by taking the reader back to the post 9/11Bush administration. He lays out four claims that the Bush administration laid out against
Donald Trump known for telling his supporters that he will tell it to you straight, and unlike career politicians, will not engage in lying in order to help his case, but much like the Pardoner he has manipulated the truth in order achieve his goals. For Mr. Trump, he is willing to lie in the interest of getting his supporters to see his point of view as correct. In one instance he tweeted a racially charged picture with murder statistics that have been proved to be pulled from thin air. The picture depicted:
Starling (2011) describes, matters that involve one using deception to hide poor work performance is never justified, nor is using deception
Confessing one 's political identity in 2016 truly embodies the phrase “walking on eggshells”. Whether you’re a liberal or conservative, owning up to your political resolutions sometimes comes with some intense backlash. In this years’ presidential election we have an intense candidate with very radical views, and if you don 't know who I’m talking about you should probably move from the rock you are living under. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has gained a immense popularity amongst not only the American public but Internationally as well. His chauvinist rhetoric, egotistical outlook, and how he continuously fabricates lies upon lies has truly brought him into the public eye. Hearing Trumps incredibly horrifying agenda makes me proud to admit that I am a Democrat, a solid liberal to be exact. As a solid liberal I believe in the power of the people and that means all people.Whether you are rich, poor, black, white, gay, or straight building and creating a nation that caters to people inherently means doing right by the economy and when we do well for the economy we do well for everyone.
Politicians should be allowed to lie and deceive the American people if the end result is better security and prosperity. Although lying is frowned upon you may have to keep a secret from your country and cover it up with a white lie. Perhaps something really serious is going on in the world and your country may be in danger. If the Americans want a certain solution but the leader feels as though it is a bad idea then they should most definitely lie only to make things better. This only applies if there will be a good end result.
Two new presidential polls of registered voters show that Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidential Race, however, the size of her advantage differs from Trump. A Washington Post/ABC News survey appears that Clinton is twelve points ahead of Trump, 51% to 39%. A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll pegs Clinton’s lead by five points, 46% to 41%. The twelve point lead Clinton hold suggest those controversies with Trump’s campaign has badly damaged him, however, the five point lead indicates he had survived this past month intact. Trump is coming from a difficult phase in his campaign such as firing his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, biased opinions in his University legal proceedings, and labeling an Indiana-born federal