
How Does Elie Wiesel Change In The Book Night

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Night In the book Night, Elie Wiesel was forced into an concentration camp in 1944 by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party. He was beaten, forced to work, starved, along with the other millions of people in the camps. They fought to live. They were living in horrible conditions, but he still some how managed to survive. As a result of his experience during the Holocaust, Elie wiesel changes from a religious, sensitive little boy to a spiritually dead, unemotional man.
In the beginning of the novel, Elie Wiesel was a thirteen year old boy that was very caring and strongly believed in God. He studied the Talmud which is the body of the jewish and civil and ceremonial laws and legend comprising the mishnah and the gemara. He was very religious and he was always hungry to learn more about his religious. His goal in life was to be a master of Kabbalah. “I pray to the God within me that he will give me the strength to …show more content…

Once hitler was in power he made jews wear the star of david and he started to pass laws against the jews. For an example one of the laws was the Nuremberg Race Law it excluded German Jews from citizenship and prohibited them from marrying or having any relations with German or related blood of germans. Soon after the laws were passed the jews were sent to the ghettos and when Elie went there he still had hope. Everyone including him thought that they were going to be taken care of and that this was better for them. They were then made to march to a camp. Where there they were separated from the women and children. They were asked different questions and they had to strip down to nothing but their shoes and belt. They got all of their hair shaved off. And Elie witnessed little innocent kids being thrown into a fire. That is when he started to lose faith. “Never shall I forget those moments which murdered my god and my soul and turned my dreams to dust.” But his faith slowly started to die even

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