
How Does George Orwell Use Propaganda In Animal Farm

Decent Essays

Information or propaganda?
George Orwell’s Animal Fam is an allegory about communism and the government’s greediness, during The Russian Revolution for example. The story tells us about farm animals that’s tired of being treated like slaves. They chase away the humans from the farm and take control themselves, and at first they all see each other as equal comrades and enjoy their new freedom, but as the novel goes on the pigs starts to take over, and the rest of the animals living conditions gets worse. Animal Farm provides several examples of how important critical thinking is, and how fast false information can be accepted as facts in a society. This essay will cover this subject and analyze the use of propaganda in the novel.
Squealer is a fat porker that is very manipulative and a great speaker. He represents propaganda in the story. He uses different ways to persuade the animals that Napoleon, the leader, is right, and justifies the pigs’ behavior. For example, he scares them by saying that Mr. Jones will come back if they fail in their duty, which is not true but everyone is so afraid that it will happen that they believe him. He also persuades them that the …show more content…

At first it’s the humans that is the enemy, and especially Mr. Jones, that used to own the farm, but later, when Snowball has been eliminated, he becomes the enemy, whom everything is blamed upon by Napoleon and the other pigs. It starts with that they’re blaming small things that goes wrong on him, but later the stories get worse, they make up that he always was on the humans’ side for example, and when the animals question it, which they do because they remember Snowball fighting on the animals’ side in the battle of the cowshed, Squealer is there again and convinces them that they’re wrong, and because it was a long time since the fight and the memories begins to fade, are they soon filled with hatred towards

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