
How Does Ozymandias Present Death In Poetry

Decent Essays

The theme of death is a common symbol in poems and is portrayed in different ways. It is seen as a rather dismal topic in some poems but seen as a heroic topic in others. Poems use different methods and techniques to help get this theme across to the reader. Dulce et Decorum Est, Do not go gentle into that good night and Ozymandias use poetic devices to help develop the theme of death. These poems use techniques such as metaphors, similes, alliteration, repetition and personification to portray the theme of death. The use of these techniques help build an image of death in the reader’s mind and offer their view of death. Each poem uses different devices and all have different perspectives of death. They view death differently primarily because of the time it was written and who it was written by. All three poems allude to death using poetic devices.
Dulce et Decorum uses negative connotations and similes to emphasise the theme …show more content…

Some of these techniques include; metaphor, symbol, emotive words and poetic structure. The whole poem is an extended metaphor which reveals the theme of death in the poem. The statue in the poem refers to people’s achievements and the fact that the statue is broken is referring to when you pass away people forget who you were. The statue is a symbol and metaphor of death and helps give the poem more depth. The metaphor and symbol of the statue alludes to the theme of death. Percy Shelley, the author of Ozymandias, uses emotive words to get the mood of death across. He uses the phrase ‘sneer of cold command’ to create a depressing, unfriendly mood. He uses this technique to get a mood across to the audience. This poem is in the form of a sonnet, which usually explorers a state of mind or a feeling. The poem describes the feeling after somebody dies, it is not actually telling a story. This poem uses the structure and some poetic devices to develop the theme of

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