
How Does Prison Retributive Justice?

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“It is said that no one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails. A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones,” writes Nelson Mandala, one of South Africa’s most esteemed presidents. Correspondingly proposing, a rather introspective question, in what justice means and the details it entails. Does prison wholly define justice or does prison represent a potential path to enlightenment for an individual who has done wrong? Since the derived purpose is to systematically exile those who have behaved against the social code- who benefits from the act of imprisonment when a law has been broken? Let us consider who better deserves the compensation. Let us, instead, practice logic and human decency in a system created to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. The quandary at hand, however, requires many to detach themselves from any former associations with the justice system. By doing so, society can consider the bigger picture and allow room for change.
In discussing change, the history of the justice …show more content…

It offers a very real path to enlightenment that could have otherwise not been achieved alone. Retributive Justice depicts one in which the offender is dismissed to a land unseen and undesirable for the sake of restoration to the victim. It is one or the other, though in conjunction to both- we offer thought, cultural work, and a better alternative to the deliverance of culpability. Let us, in this sense, practice the logic and basic human experiences shared by providing compassion unto the lowest of citizens. Let us provide life after incarceration. Restoration of peace to a community versus the state is not centered on how pain is delivered au contraire, on how the crime is understood and received by victim and offender. When understanding is present, so is the

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