
How Does Time Regulate Our Daily Lives?

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We use time to regulate our daily lives. We look at our watches, moreover, our phones now to deduce our actions timely. Well, those clocks on phones are controlled by the atomic clock administered by the National Institute Standards and Technology, NIST. Before mechanical clocks were invented, using “celestial bodies and sundials” were the accepted forms of timekeeping (Catwright). After the suggestion of a possible creation of a clock by physicist Isidor Rabi using his “resonance method for recording the magnetic properties of atomic nuclei” in 1945, NIST creates the first atomic clock based on Rabi’s method with ammonia molecule later in 1949 (Levine). Through decades of new developments on the atomic clock, we now have our lives …show more content…

A physics professor at Columbia university named Isidor Rabi in 1945 indicated a creation of clock using his method called the atomic beam magnetic resonance established in the 1930s. This was a “resonance method for recording the magnetic properties of atomic nuclei,” now applicable to the “atomic clock…and the laser, as well as the nuclear magnetic resonance imaging used in diagnostic medicine” (Levine). Four years later, NIST proposes the first atomic clock using ammonia molecules. In 1952, NBS-1 was created that used cesium atoms (NIST). Through decades of new inventions and refinements in the atomic clocks, we now have a cesium atomic clock of NIST-F2 with an accuracy to one second in 300 million years (NIST).
The National Institute of Standards and Technology established NIST-F2 in 2014 which is a fountain atomic clock using cesium atoms. After the announcement of the NIST-F1 atomic clock in 1999 which doesn 't lose or gain a second in 20 million years, NIST-F2 now doesn 't lose or gain a second in 300 million years improving the accuracy of the atomic clock making it the most accurate clock in the world. The function of the current atomic clock, NIST-F2, follows the functions of a fountain clock consisting of cooling of the cesium atomic cloud, microwave interaction, and detection. When an

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