Over the years character education has become a practice of the past. It has been regarded as useless, offensive, and ineffective. Ms. Laurie Hoag has found a way to change the reputation of character education. She is an amazing teacher who through She took a social-emotional approach to the course. It seemed as though she wanted to help me develop my self awareness. She emphasized the importance of me learning to make better social decisions. She would run drills- as she called them- first presenting a peer-pressure-like scenario then educating me about the different ways I can say no to negative situations. She enstilled in me a desire to prevent these situations as a whole. One of the most surprising teaching tactics she used was emotional learning. She was the head of a small committee that volunteered at food shelters, she would take us along, and explain how important volunteerism is to society and self. I was so much more than bvious that the school I attended was not considered a safe environment. Violence was like a [STRONG] stand of a virus spreading through the halls. One could say that our school 's dangerous status was nothing more than a product of the environment that was boiling and erupting just outside our tiny institution. One of the most important subjects Ms. Hoag took it upon her self to teach us about violence education. She made it clear that our surroundings didn 't need to dictate our outcomes. She went further than just explaining it she
Character Education: [Character education is important within our educational system. Leadership in schools is always looking for ways to incorporate character qualities in everything done in and out of the classroom. Whether you are planning to teach at a Christian school or public school, this is an important aspect. For 6 out of the 10 artifacts, state how you used or would use this artifact to teach or instill a character quality. Incorporate Biblical perspectives throughout this section of reflection.]
In life, people typically experience a variety of highs and lows that can come in the forms of milestones, failures, or finding love- but for some, there is detrimental harm. Unfortunately, those one would least suspect commonly cause this damage: youth. Youth violence is most prevalent in cities with a large adolescent demographic, such as Toronto, and is still a recurring issue to this day. Rita Schindler, the mother of a victim of ferocious violence, wrote a letter to the Toronto Star entitled Thanks For Not Killing My Son in the early 90’s, in which she expressed how the damage of her son’s juvenile persecutor’s could have ruined his life. Schindler effectively demonstrated throughout the letter how violence is a senseless and appalling
Hartman, E. (2006). Can We Teach Character? An Aristotelian Answer. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 5(2006), 68-81.
Character education is the foundation on which students will be equipped to make wise decisions and smart life choices (Lickona, 2003). Mrs. Flowers contributed significantly to building this foundation for generations of students. In addition to teaching the basics of American history, she was a compassionate caregiver, a moral model, and an ethical mentor to her students. Character education was a priority, and the impact of her teaching was enduring. Mrs. Flowers is, without a doubt, a leader in the area of character
Developing character is something that comes with time. I believe that there are three major things that effect how people develop their character—where they are from, which includes their financial status; how they are raised; and the character of the people that have had the most influence on their lives. Sylvia, in Toni Cade Bambara’s "The Lesson," is very much influenced by all of these factors. Sylvia’s living in the slums and being poor makes her defensive and judgmental. Her parents not being around much leaves her without the attention and discipline that children need to develop to their fullest. Lastly, her friends and Miss Moore also have a great influence on how
Chappell is the founder of the Peace Literacy Initiative, which provides license-free lesson plans for K-12 schools, colleges and universities, and community organizations. Available for free on the initiative’s website, these plans provide age-appropriate advice for youth and adults on identifying the signs of aggression in themselves and others, as well as diffusion strategies focusing on respect, self-reflection, empathy and empowerment. Students are urged to trade the fear that can power aggression with calm, deliberate and just beneficial actions that support justice.
The Government of Ontario introduced the Character Development Initiative in 2006. This policy mandates formal character education in Ontario's public schools. Ontario's school leaders are expected to play a large role in the implementation of the Character Development Initiative.
According to Hartman, we cannot decide the job or solution for a person; we just help him or her to figure out the perception by him/herself, create good values while ensure the happiness (79). Teaching ethics class for business students is a good idea to help them imagine their future and decide a right path for themselves. Thousands students learn the same things but each of them will have different outcomes. In order to ensure the accuracy of the research, people need to implement the studies on different students based on their races, genders, and cultures. Those factors can affect differently on the same principle. In conclusion, no matter who we are, what we do, one of the most important things is being a virtual person. We have to make sure that everything we do; we are doing right even though no one is watching
Video number seven featured a talk from Dr. James Gilligan about the role of violence in our society and what education can do to inhibit violence. Dr. Gilligan wrote several books on the current violence issue in the United States and used data about suicide rates and homicide rates to drive his research about the psychological triggers that make certain people commit crimes.
The teaching of character strength is an endless collaboration bounded by the teachers and the parents, considering the fact that both are responsible for teaching kids appropriate character strengths. Many schools have created programs for teaching character strengths, which also do their best in involving the parents. One of the schools that have been successful in doing this is the KIPP Academy middle school. KIPP started teaching character strengths in the hopes that one day their students
Character traits shape the people we all are. For example, they help us face our fears through courage; they show us right from wrong through responsibility; and they show us who to believe in tough decisions through trust. Dana, the protagonist from Eric Walters’ Sketches, has a tough time learning how to show her traits. However, as a child on the streets Dana fights through many tough obstacles that enable her to become an optimistic, courageous and trusting individual.
Frightened students that do not report strange behavior and poor security cause violence to erupt. The Pathway to Violence made me, as an audience member, feel a range of conflicting emotions and taught me important lessons to stay safe in school. Some lessons to take away from the film are speak up about strange behavior and schools need to adopt new security. The movie held my interest through the entire film because of the tragic stories told and the people who told the story from an emotional angle. I had a very personal connection to the movie and stories because I am a college student, and I do not want to see anyone suffer. It is important to realize the signs of violence and report them to those in charge who can take control of the situation before something tragic happens. Without anyone speaking up on behalf of the majority, others will bear the
Every day students across the country wake up and go to school seeking an education. They learn basic skills and knowledge from classes such as English, math, biology, physics, photography and so many other classes that prepare students for adulthood. However, what is most alarming is that students have to cope with violence that is now occurring in schools. In the past, school violence involved bullying and mistreatment, but in recent decades weapons are now a part of the violence students encounter. Violence is a way for youth to gain authority over their peers. Additionally, violence in schools has promoted a national debate on gun control, bullying and plagued the overall learning experience in school environments. Not only do people need
Why is character important? Why is it important to be a person of good morals, ethics, and character? Can that make you more productive in life, family, school, business, work, etc. ?
Throughout the lesson she would walk around and interact with the students to make should they were on task and understanding the assignment. She provided visual aids to assist in the lesson and allowed students to pair with each other in order to provide extra help. Students had to sit up straight in class and track the teacher while she was at the board during whole group instruction. One thing I really loved because its someshing I do in my classroom. All students were required to raise their hands when asked a respond to a question regarding the lesson.