
How Effective Marketing, Financial and Human Resource Management Activities Could Be Expected to Contribute to Fitness First's Success.

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This essay will be examining how Fitness First uses marketing, finance and human resource management to continually be an effective and sustainable sports organisation. Fitness First is the largest gym, health and fitness group in the world with more than 1.5 million members and over 550 fitness clubs. (, 2009) The Chartered Institute of Marketing defines marketing as “…the management process which identifies, anticipates and supplies customer requirements efficiently and profitably. Ace (2001:2)
The first part of this essay will focus on the ‘four P’s’ of the marketing mix in relation to implementations taken by Fitness First in these areas. The four P’s of the marketing mix are product, place and promotion. …show more content…

They state that diversity within the workforce is one of the main factors which lead and continue to lead to success. Shaw (1998:12) explains the importance of maintaining customer satisfaction and loyalty, “Care passionately for your customers and then they will care for you.” To do this, organisations like Fitness First need to understand their customer’s fully. “Studying customer’s habits can be illuminating and profitable.” Shaw (1998:13) Fitness First look for staff who are committed and passionate towards their work and this will need an effective recruitment and selection procedure. Recruitment policies need to be clear for the applicants so that they are certain they feel this role is for them. “A recruitment policy is simply a statement of intent on the part of an organisation; it outlines the approach everyone is expected to adopt the standards they should achieve in carrying out an organisation’s business.” Foot and Hook (2008:145) This helps the workforce to be part of a team and for everyone to have a full understanding on the organisation’s goals and objectives. A successful recruitment campaign will lure many suitably qualified applicants for the job vacancy. Fitness First use an application form for applicants to apply for a vacancy, the successful applicants will then be interviewed face-to face and this is the final stage of the selection

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