In what ways have Greek and Roman culture influenced modern U.S. society? There are many things that have influenced modern U.S society. Religion, Government, Economy, and Art are things that have influenced modern U.S society. Religion is an important to people all over the world. Some things that have influenced the U.S in religion. In Greek religion they had more than gods that they honored. Roman religion honor guardian sprints and three gods. They have a building to go and honor the gods in. Also Greek religion there are many buildings all over the city-state for people to honor the gods. In the U.S there are many different religions. We have buildings in many places to go and honor our god in. Instead of having four gods we have only one god like …show more content…
Like Greek and Roman they have a number of laws so doesn’t the U.S. Greek had an eye for an eye law. Say, you killed someone else’s family member. That family can kill someone in that family. Roman government had Twelve Tables that had laws on them. That the people followed or they had to deal with conquances of that crime. Roman people could elect a ruler as long as they were landowners. Greek people did not have the right to elect a ruler. Economy was big part of both Greek and Roman culture. Roman economy was a big problem because the rich were losing their money. The rich had poor people working on farms, because the poor did not have food. The rich did not like the poor taking their crops. There was a bad economy in Rome. In Greek there a good economy. T he economy was healthy if it got bad they would do everything thing they could to make it better. Art was a big thing for both Greek and Roman culture. There were many sculptures made in both cultures. There were probably more sculptures made in Greek culture than in Roman. The sculptures were made very well. They had excellent shapes and curves in the sculptures. They held up for a very long
6. Greek and Roman cultures had an impact on modern day american and European culture. They passed on architecture and literature. They also passed down law and christianity.
The Romans used commerce to consolidate the provinces and territories of their vast empire. Being a part of the Empire was of great economic benefit to almost all of the members; insomuch as the Romans built roads and protected sea routes, and inasmuch as the Roman Empire was so large, the Roman Empire’s subjects benefited from what amounted to a massive free trade zone. Roman commerce was a major factor in preserving the Empire for so long.
Aside from these physical differences, there is a difference in the goals between the Greeks and the Romans. In the first case what concerns the Greek city-states is limited to self-preservation if not individual fame and success. The Romans, on the other hand, were concerned with the success of the country as a whole; they knew that if the whole was successful, then the individual parts would also benefit.
pic. Greek life is, in many ways, different from modern day American culture. People in ancient Greek civilization thought, believed, and treated people differently than modern day Western civilization does. Although what went on in Greek culture at the time may seem very strange or different to children who have grown up in America their whole lives, that does not mean that Greek life was, by definition, strange. The Greek culture is like any culture in that it is different in its own way. It has aspects and objects that are unique to the culture that others would find interesting. Even some objects, for example: bow and arrows, swords, spears, and others, are the same objects other cultures have, yet they may look slightly different from the objects in other cultures. Ancient civilizations did not have mass manufacturing as modern day America. No weapon, item of clothing, or dish was the exact same.
The Athenian and Roman governments both had similarities in their form of government, but the differences that they had made them unique because of the parties and rules they lived by. To start off, the Athenian Government was a democracy and the Roman Government was a republic. Each of them had very important specific details which make them unique and different like what made them citizens and able to vote for the officials, and how they organized their government system.
The Greek and Roman social structures highlight the differences in their development and transformation. This includes gender roles and relationships, family and kinship, social and economic classes and racial and moral construction.
Classical Greek culture had a powerful influence on the Roman Empire, which carried a version of it to many parts of the Mediterranean region and Europe. Greek culture influenced the development of Roman civilization because at first Rome absorbed ideas from Greek colonists in southern Italy, and they continued to borrow from Greek culture after they conquered Greece. Ancient Greece has had an enormous amount of impact on culture in the western world. For this reason, Classical Greece is generally considered to be the seminal culture which provided the foundation of Western civilization. Rome conquered the Greek empire and its civilization, but Greek culture conquered imperial Rome. Furthermore, the Romans willingly
The cultures and traditions of ancient Rome and Greece played a major role in influencing modern day western civilizations, particularly in the practices of art, literature, architecture, philosophy, and especially real-world politics. Today’s impressions on our government as a democratic republic were inspired heavily by both of these ancient yet fundamental governmental structures. Many of our values such as the inclusion of citizens in the electoral process, as well as a heavily monitored government, stem from both societies, including certain aspects of the judicial system. Our country’s founding fathers have all earned a traditional education. Following America’s independence, they began to formulate their own unique ideas about the new world, all the while learning, adopting, and implementing ancient Roman and Greek ideology. Upon the creation of the United States government, our forefathers included elements of Greek and Roman culture. The country of Greece was originally never a distinct nation in itself, as local cities formed individual political consensuses referred to as city-states. Each one was separated by tumultuous terrains of land and developed their own individual government. Corinth, one of the most powerful cities in Greece, was an oligarchy – a major city-state ruled by powerful political leaders. Some took part in a hybrid form of a republican government, such as Sparta, who at
The influence of Latin culture is prominent in the American world today. Everything from the Latin language to the Roman law is visible in the culture that shapes the way we live our lives in the United States. You can see it by watching the Super Bowl game or even fulfilling your citizen duty of serving on a jury.
Rome and Athens were both superpowers during their time and paved the way for modern day western culture. There were a few things that Rome did better though including their citizenship system. The following reasons are why Rome’s citizenship system works better than Athens’. Firstly the Romans allowed a higher number of people to become citizens. The next reason is that Rome made sure that their citizens were playing a role in society. Lastly the Romans had a more organized and efficient senate than that of the Athenians.
The second major similarity between ancient Greek and Roman civilizations was that their citizens voted on who to make their elected officials, however the difference was that each culture differed in their definition of a citizen. The Greeks only recognized native-born males having the right of citizenship, women and slaves could not be citizens and therefore could not vote. The Romans on the other hand, recognized foreigners residing within Italy as half-citizens giving them full legal rights but not the right to vote. Greece mostly voted into office people of middle- to upper-class citizens, whereas Rome only voted in the rich 10% of their population. Even though history seems to show that the Greeks were more fair by randomly selecting citizens to run for office, the Roman government specifically chose who would run for election similar to our political race today where the Republican and Democratic parties choose who will be there candidates.
Because Augustus encouraged trade, many roads and highways were built for convenient traveling. Trading made easier increased trade, which boosted Roman economy even more.
1. The Greeks had similarities and differences compared to traditional American’s and our culture. Similar to Americans, Greeks were a very entertainment based culture. They had plays, music, and texts to pass their free time, all of which most Americans typically experience in a day. Cities and towns existed, with city-states serving almost like today’s capitals of each state. Farming played a big part in their culture, which is shared with America, as farming continues to be a trade that is necessary, no matter what age. A military existed to protect their society, like America has. Religion was relatively relaxed as a subject in Greece, where they didn’t really think care too much about which gods or goddesses you worshiped - a trait somewhat
The Greeks and the Romans were among the most influential societies in the history of the world. Evidence of Greek or Roman influence can be found in almost every culture or country that has ever existed. Though both cultures were different in practice and incredibly competitive with one another, their politics and their beliefs set the stage for future civilizations, including those of the modern world. In particular, the values and practices of Greek and Roman citizenship and politics, more than any other cultures, influences American policies today in terms of values, government, and self-image.
Greek and Roman culture, although similar, are very different and interesting. Since the Romans adopted culture from the Greeks, many traditions are the same. When the Romans conquered the Hellenistic cities, they became fascinated with the idea of a Greek style of doing things. All things Greek were now considered popular. This is how much of the Greek way of life made its way into the Roman society.