
How Has Greek Culture Influenced Modern American Society

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In what ways have Greek and Roman culture influenced modern U.S. society? There are many things that have influenced modern U.S society. Religion, Government, Economy, and Art are things that have influenced modern U.S society. Religion is an important to people all over the world. Some things that have influenced the U.S in religion. In Greek religion they had more than gods that they honored. Roman religion honor guardian sprints and three gods. They have a building to go and honor the gods in. Also Greek religion there are many buildings all over the city-state for people to honor the gods. In the U.S there are many different religions. We have buildings in many places to go and honor our god in. Instead of having four gods we have only one god like …show more content…

Like Greek and Roman they have a number of laws so doesn’t the U.S. Greek had an eye for an eye law. Say, you killed someone else’s family member. That family can kill someone in that family. Roman government had Twelve Tables that had laws on them. That the people followed or they had to deal with conquances of that crime. Roman people could elect a ruler as long as they were landowners. Greek people did not have the right to elect a ruler. Economy was big part of both Greek and Roman culture. Roman economy was a big problem because the rich were losing their money. The rich had poor people working on farms, because the poor did not have food. The rich did not like the poor taking their crops. There was a bad economy in Rome. In Greek there a good economy. T he economy was healthy if it got bad they would do everything thing they could to make it better. Art was a big thing for both Greek and Roman culture. There were many sculptures made in both cultures. There were probably more sculptures made in Greek culture than in Roman. The sculptures were made very well. They had excellent shapes and curves in the sculptures. They held up for a very long

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