
How Having Children Affects Marriage

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How did having children affect your marriage?
Alicia - We went into the relationship with children.
Mike – I had three children prior to this marriage so I’m lucky to have found someone who understood and welcomed my packaged deal. Children made us closer but also brought about many fights especially when deciding how we were going to raise them.
Do you feel that marriage is work? Explain?
Alicia – Definitely, it’s what you put into it, and want out of it.
Mike – Of course, we’ve been at this thing for 24 years and counting and theirs still things we have to work on.
What did you learn about each other and your relationship after experiencing major life changes? (Ex. Death in the family, out of job, etc)
Alicia – …show more content…

Alicia – Say what you have to say and move on.
Mike – Pick your battles, talk about the issue, sometimes yelling is involved.
How often do you make compromises, How do you feel about it?
Alicia – Compromises still happens every now and then, but earlier into our marriage is when most of the compromising took place. He’s given up stuff, I’ve given up things, and sometimes we negotiate. I don’t regret it because it was done to help us grow in the long run.
Mike – Often enough, more so at the start of our relationship than now. Sometimes in a marriage you have to do things you don’t necessarily want to do.
What are some things you do to keep your marriage from becoming stagnant, things you do to keep it growing?
Alicia – Traveling, date nights, and at least once a year we’ll go on a short trip just the two of us. It doesn’t have to be far, just far enough away from work and our children.
Mike – To keep it vibrant we like to try new restaurants, go out for drinks, take short trips, and I got to tell her that she’s beautiful and/or I love her every

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