
How I Changed My Life

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As soon as I walked in the house, I felt different. Something was different was what was running through my head over and over. Usually my mom and aunt are cooking, my sister is in her room doing who knows what, and my dad isn’t home. Today it was all different. I knew something was about to change in my life. Although I was 6 or 7 at the time, I understood things and was pretty mature for my age. I could sense the tension in the house. It was like 2 boxers getting ready to fight in the rink. My parents had sat my sister and I down at the table. They turned to look at each other once we had settled down. The glance my mom gave my dad was powerful enough that it made my dad start talking. At first, I tuned him out, but then he paused.

“Marla, Daniela”, slowly said my dad, “Your mother and I have decided to get a divorce.” These words were ones that changed my entire life. That night my pillow was wet, tear after tear ran down my cheeks. At times I would shake my head no in disbelief. I just couldn’t except the fact that we weren’t going to be a family anymore. The morning after my head was pounding from all the crying I had done the night before. The bags under my eyes were too big to believe. Everyone in my house, which now was my mom, my aunt, and my sister. Why only 3 other members? Well when I woke up that morning there were no longer 4 members of my family in the house. “Brooom Broooom Broooommm,” went my dad’s car as it drove away.

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