People go through changes every day in their life. Life is always throwing curve balls constantly. These changes may have a hefty impact on a person. I went through a really rough time when I was about fourteen years old. This experience has taught me the most tremendous lesson in life. I never knew the summer going into my 8th grade year that my life was about to change completely. I found out that I was going to have to move across the state of Indiana. Hearing this news brought so much shocked to me, I didn’t know how to feel about it. It all started one day when I came home from school. I moseyed upstairs to my bedroom to change out of my school clothes. I heard a voice echoing from downstairs calling my name, it was my dad yelling for me. I bolted downstairs to see what he wanted. I ambled to the living room to see my whole family sitting together. I asked what was going on and no one answered. My mother tells me to sit down, we have to talk to you and your brother. I had so many questions, we had never had a family meeting like this before. My father then broke the news that we were going to move to the city of West Lafayette. I sat there in awe, I had no words I had so many things going through my head all at once. My parents had then explained to my brother and I, that we are going to move because my mom has the opportunity to own my grandpa’s business when he retires. My mother had just lost her job a few years prior to getting this offer. We had been going on
My mother sat down with my sister and I, and told us that ultimately, the four of us would have to move because we were being forced to sell our home. I accepted this decision, not comprehending fully how far away I would actually be. I could not grasp the idea that I would be leaving the people I was with since I could walk. Everything I went through and everything I did was with them. All the memories we made on the street would slowly fade, but be kept forever. Moving day, I knew deep down that I had to be strong throughout this new development in my life. I was moving to a place where I didn’t know anyone, where I did not know what school I would be going to, or if I would have neighbors just like the ones in Southington. I climbed into my father's truck, not knowing what would happen from then on. I was surrounded by my all neighborhood friends, all in tears. I remember feeling fearless, ready to take on anything life would throw at me. As one of my close friends walked up to the truck with tears in her eyes, I looked at her with reassurance that everything would be
Since entering Havre middle school, I have noticed distinct changes in myself. Some people deals with all kinds of changes in life, but some people do not have to really deal with a lot of changes and stress. Some people have to deal with hard changes and some people have to deal with easy ones. Other people have to deal with stressful changes and some people do not. For instance, here are some of the changes I have to face:
It all started on a warm sunny day, my dad had just arrived from Michigan. He came into the house gave my siblings, my mother and me a hug and told us the big news. “We are moving to Michigan” he said. He said it so calmly as if expecting my siblings, my mother and myself to react in a good way. Immediately I started to panic, I didn’t want to leave the place I grew up in. I was only eleven years old, I didn’t know how the people in Michigan would be. Finally I spoke “ I don’t want to move dad, I love it here!” which he responded with “I’m sorry but we are going to move because we can’t afford to live here anymore” He said this so emotionless as if not knowing how this could affect me. I hardly got any sleep that night for the fact that my parents were arguing for what felt like all night, but in reality was just an hour.
Not many things in life stay the say anymore. You can expect one thing to happen but then all of a sudden its turns out totally different. There is a quote that kind of speaks to me from a movie called forest Gump “life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you’re going to get”. It’s so true but we as humans, we adapt we take on these changes and we adapt to them. I’m going tell you about a big change for me about seven years ago the move that changed many things for me.
It happens to all of us, whether we’re prepared or not. Change occurs when you least expect it and everyone changes in their own way. Growing up is a physical change. You don’t stay a baby forever, we all grow up and live our lives and life always asks different things from different people. That's all based on how we go through our lives; our journey until we reach our final destination. Death. Another piece from Anne Sexton’s Courage shows this perfectly. “It is in the small things we see it. The child's first step, as awesome as an earthquake.” (Lines 1-3) and “you'll bargain with the calendar and at the last moment when death opens the back door you'll put on your carpet slippers and stride out.” (Lines 43-47). Life isn’t always going to be easy, and we need all the help we can get at times. Life’s journey takes people on many different paths, but their all for different reasons. Courage defines a small portion of who we are as people. We need courage on our journeys through life to help us, guide us, and lead us to the right paths in
Change is difficult. To many, including myself, persevering through a significant change is one of the most challenging experiences you may encounter throughout your lifetime. That being said, it is not always something to fear. At some point you must come to your senses and accept that your path in life will be altered and things aren’t always going to go your way. But that's just how life is and if there's one realization I’ve come to so far, it is that maintaining a positive mindset is essential to getting over any obstacles that stand in your way. In my case, the most impactful experience I have been through thus far was the divorce of my parents.
In the past year, a lot has changed for me. I lost a grandfather to cancer, then a month later an uncle to a gruesome semi accident. My grandmother on the other side of the family barely remembers me due to alzheimer's, and my mom lost her job but is now working over 1300 miles away in Florida. If someone would have asked me at the start of my Junior year what I expected to happen, I wouldn’t have listed any of those. As anticipated, it was not easy dealing with a downfall of events like that, but the way I was raised helped me cope with it all. I started out at a small private school, where Religion was just as important as Math and English. How we were to act was drilled into us, and after I switched to public school, there was a noticeable
“What you are afraid to do is a clear indication of the next thing you need to do.” (-Ralph Waldo Emerson). My parent´s divorce has shaped and influenced my whole life, with a lot of side effects. I fell into a state of depression. I learned not to dwell on the bad things in life. I found a person within myself that I could live with for a while, a kid that I could be proud of, someone I wouldn’t hate. Over the years, I’ve changed, little changes, big changes, it’s all happened, and I am who I am today because of it. Not all crummy circumstances stay awful, even though it may feel like it. I can’t tell if I’ve changed for the better or the worse, but everything starts with something, one thing. My parent´s divorce shaped me into who I am today, whether the changes were good or bad, little or big, this has changed me.
Changes in life can be tough to go through and sometimes they can be easy. Some of these things are harder than others and some can be a better choice. Like moving is one thing that changed my way i looked at people. Then there is growing up, growing up can be hard. Last but not least there is education. These things that you experience can change your perspective on how you look at life.
At times in life there comes something called change. In my opinion, I was not a big fan of change. You cannot imagine how I was feeling when my mother announced that we were moving. It was the middle of my sixth-grade year, I was feeling countless emotions, none that could be explained at the moment of the announcement. The main thing on my mind was school; my friends, my outstanding teachers, and the environment. All things I had left behind. All I could think about was, “How will I ever adjust?” I knew exactly what was to come, I knew exactly what I was going to become, an outcast. There were numerous of ways on why I was feeling this way, but
Life can take plenty of weird twists and turns. I have an abundance of experience in encountering and adapting to change. Imagine being nine years old in an unexpected family meeting. My parents announce the news that we were moving across the country from Washington state to Georgia. I immediately was sent into turmoil and became scared. I had never been to Georgia before; therefore, I did not know what to expect. After we moved, I started fifth grade and realized it wasn’t that different from living in suburbs of Washington. Throughout my years there, I played club soccer and met amazing friends. I learned how to act polite and mannerly when expected, as well as generous and friendly when need be. My life was filled with happiness. There
A lot of people experience events that change their lives; some are more difficult to deal with. An event that changed my life was moving from Pennsylvania to New Jersey. I lived I Pennsylvania for 11 years after my parents split up. I have currently been living in New Jersey with my dad for about 2 years. Moving at this age was very difficult because it is hard to make friends with new people since everyone already has a group of friends. It was hard to fit into a new group of friends so I tried out for the soccer team since I have played my entire life and playing on a school sports team is a great way to make new friends. I didn't make the team so I ended up playing soccer for the township. While playing on the team I met one of my closest
There are many different life changing events that can change your life. Sometimes things happen in people’s life and they can’t do anything about it. Changes can be good and sometimes it can be a terrible thing that results in a positive turn in one’s life. Change is a part of life that no one looks forward to. Everyone’s life changes at some point. Life is full of many unexpected challenges that will be thrown in your face at any place and any time. People learn and grow from every experience that they go through in life. Some of the events that have changed my life was losing my grandmother, graduation, and going to college. Changes come almost every day in my life.
In my life, I have been exposed to a challenge called change. Change can occur in many different ways and is dealt with in many different ways. I have come to the awareness that change can be the deepest of all things. I always thought that change occurred when you moved to a state or when you lost someone real close to you. Those are a challenge to change, yes, but change doesn’t have to occur over a climactic incident. It can just appear overnight when your brain winds up when it’s time to do something different. Even with friends that you used to have and know that move on. For example, most of my friends from elementary school, I don’t even talk to them anymore.
As a very small child I don’t remember too much, but the things that I do remember were seen through a child’s eyes that has made me the person that I am today and I will always have those memory’s with me until my last breath on this earth. In this essay I intend to show how my childhood and adult life to this point has influenced my life, my journey. By utilizing the adult development theories from this class I also intend on showing how they relate to my Life experiences and where I am today as an Adult student.