
How Language Can Convey A Message About Culture

Satisfactory Essays

One 's language can convey a message about culture. Language is a part of our everyday life, whether we speak English, Spanish, Arabic, Hindi, or a dialect. Language is what identifies not only our culture but ourselves. The language we speak and the culture we are born into shape the person we are today. Although language and culture make up who we are, there are also disadvantages to speaking another language or having a different culture. Sometimes being that you speak another language and have a different culture background people think of you less of a person.
In the article “Writing is an offshoot if something deeper,” John Berger states that “Words, terms, and phrases can be separated from the creature of their language and used as mere labels. They then become inert and empty”. To me this basically means that you can take a language from a culture, but if you know nothing about the culture, the language means nothing, it is just seen as a simple form of communication. The great Nelson Mandela once said “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart”. In other words, people can know a language, but if it is not a part of their culture or everyday life, it is not a part of who they are. Take for instance your native language is French but you went to school and learned Spanish. If a Hispanic person came up to you and had a conversation, you would understand what they are saying, but

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