
How Learning Schedule Affects Learning

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Participants 78 students enrolled in Psychology 70 course in University of California, San Diego (UCSD) were chosen to participate in this experiment. Participant in the experiment accounts for a part of the grade for the students enrolled in the course. The mean age of the participants is 19.95. Among these 78 students, 65.38% identified themselves as females, 33.33% as males, and 1.282% left the answer blank. Of the students surveyed, 28.21% are high school graduates, 57.69% are currently in some college but without degree, 8.974% have associates degree, and 5.128% have bachelors degree. In addition, 92.31% of the participants responded that they are fluent in English while the remaining 7.692% responded that they are not fluent. Design …show more content…

The blocked study presented 6 painting by a single artist in consecutive order while the interleaved study presented 6 painting from 6 different artists. As described above, extraneous variables were controlled through holding the variables constant or randomization. The dependent variable was scored as the proportion of new paintings for which the participants correctly identified the artist and the scores were separated for artists who were blocked or interleaved. Procedure The experiment took place in students’ respective discussion sections and all students are assigned to both blocked and interleaved study. Once in the discussion sections, students were instructed to go to the experiment website ( and follow the instructions on the website. Students were prompted to enter their identification number (PID) to ensure the students get credit for completing the experiment, and then they were directed to demographic questionnaire where students were asked to identify their gender (65.38% females, 33.33% males, 1.282% abstained), age (M=19.95), educational level (28.21% high school graduates, 57.69% currently in some college but without degree, 8.974% associates degree, and 5.128% bachelors degree), and fluency in English (92.31% fluent, 7.692% not fluent). After completing the demographic questionnaire, the website prompted the students to

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